The online racing simulator
Simulation comparison
(16 posts, started )
Simulation comparison
has it been updated since patch U?
At the bottom it says something about patch Q, so I guess not.
#5 - axus
Yeah it has, I just threw in a lot of stuff there myself the yesterday and today. It is accurate for LFS, dunno about other sims.
i always thought that was pretty cool how you could see someone's car moving, when they were revving their engine. I dunno how the heck lfs is going to go about simulating chasis flex later on... it sounds like it will take alot of cpu power unless the coding is UBER efficient...

sorry for going off topic.
It's the question how accurate this list is. For example "Uses data from tire manufacturers". At the moment it only lists which tyre manufacturers are present in the game. We don't know if the developers got any data from them, so this is very vague.
Quote from GP4Flo :It's the question how accurate this list is. For example "Uses data from tire manufacturers". At the moment it only lists which tyre manufacturers are present in the game. We don't know if the developers got any data from them, so this is very vague.

It says "Uses data from tire manufacturers", and then it lists from what manufacturers it uses the data... I don't really see your point. And afterall, it is a wiki, you can never be 100% sure about how correct it is.
there's already a thread about this here

Well, sorry, but I made it to one more post than your thread... I had to make the post.. okay... uhhh.. nvm
You can actually die in nKPro??

I found this a very entertaining read. GPL never ceases to amaze me, it was way ahead of it's time, for 1998 it's absolutely brilliant. Not much to say about LFS that hasn't been said, it's amazing physics wise, plain and simple.

By the way, Live for Speed does have configurable sessions in multiplayer, the article says it doesn't.
Seems many other competing sims have more overall features than LFS, but LFS still comes out on top (at least for me). Goes to show that more features doesn't equal a better game.
Well its more interesting HOW GOOD those things are implemented, not just "yes"/"no"
But of course you cant rate that in a objective way.
#14 - JJ72
what is lacking is the category "designed by the holy trinity".
Quote from Gabkicks :has it been updated since patch U?

Anything actually changed on that list since patch Q? I think not.
#16 - axus
Quote from ajp71 :Anything actually changed on that list since patch Q? I think not.

Um, yes - downforce from wings is variable with pitch and yaw.

Simulation comparison
(16 posts, started )