The online racing simulator
Hi, if it's not appropriate to write a thread here please delete it or I can delete it.

I just wanted to ask about TeamSpeak, what to do, as someone who has never used it before.

- I installed TeamSpeak and connected to server "" as user Scawen.
- I typed hello as a chat message.
- Now I see the attached image.

I don't know if I'll need to click on things or select anything, to hear the race info. So any guide to what I should do (in this specific server) would be helpful! Thanks! Smile
Attached images
To be able to hear the race control, join Pit Wall - Control Audio Only.
Users are asked to have your car number at the beginning of your nickname (just to help race control identify each user). Change this by right clicking your name in the TS window and select "change nickname"

During the race, users are asked to be in any channel that is beneath "pit wall". Most stay in "race control audio only": this channel does not allow users to speak to each other, but you can hear race control. As you can see, some teams have channels in this area so team mates can talk to each other, but race control can still talk over them. If you want a team channel created, inform Dekojester.

After the race, if you are interested in being interviewed on the sim broadcasts stream, move yourself to "commentary box waiting room" and the broadcast team will pull you into the commentary box when they feel it is appropriate.

You move channels by double clicking on the channel name.
Also on default teamspeak makes lots of noises when somebody joins/leaves channels. If you don't like that head to Tools/Options/Notifications and select "Sounds deactivated" sound pack.
Thanks for the info!
From Race Control we use 'whispers' which let us talk to all channels etc.
I'd recommend going to Tools > Options > Whisper and turning OFF the 'Always show whisper history when receiving a whisper' setting. This will stop the whisper history window popping up potentially over your game screen.
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