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S3 licensed
I really hope I can make it! Everybody who is free should try to do so Smile. This is a great event.
Big Europe Vacation?
S3 licensed
My wife and I love to travel and experience new things. This year's vacation isn't impressive, but it will be fun. Watkins Glen for IndyCar and the rest of the week will be spent in upstate New York for the first time. Our hopes for a stay in Yosemite National Park were crushed by our current monetary situation.

Next year, however, we're looking to do ANYTHING with a budget of $4,000 total (3,600 EUR). I think we can do Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Brussels all in two weeks if we pack light, sleep in train stations, and only pay for a few hotels or hostals. That puts our total on train travel time at 62 hours. That's under 5 hours of train travel time per day. (11 hours not sleeping or traveling per day) To travel EUrail for 15 days would cost $900 (810 EUR). Unlimited pass. Flights for two people from Toronto round trip to Paris: $800 (720 EUR)total (WOW airlines in October). That's only $1,900 (1,710 EUR) by the time we pay to store our car and fuel to get to Toronto. We already have passports. We bought them this year to go to Niagara Falls on our week off in upstate New York following the Watkins Glen IndyCar race.

Could we survive on $2,000 (1,800 EUR) for 2 weeks on that trip? Would we have fun being adventurous as we are?

Safety is a big concern of mine.
How much would we be able to see and experience?
We only know English, how big of a problem would that be?

We'd never do it again. Once in a lifetime, we don't yet have kids kind of thing. What do you guys think?
S3 licensed
Quote from :OK, Mexico has a tropical climate so this justifies a big need for pickups in the USA. Logic.

Mexico is part of North America and does have a topical climate. Does it have any relevancy to trucks in Europe? Nope Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :I might go. We can meet up

Well, we waivered between going and not, but in the end we are going. We should do that Smile

Edit: How about that Indianapolis 500!? Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from :Not really.. The US has not such a zone either;

The continent has though, with Mexico. But since when does Mexico count?

... Only silly people don't include Mexico.
S3 licensed
Boston is out.

Watkins Glen is in.

More potential fans in Boston, but I'm more excited about them racing at the Glen. I'll probably take a couple of days off work to attend that race. I've never been to the track before. Time to change that Smile
S3 licensed
That looks like a blast, Klouczech Smile
S3 licensed

Final Laps of the IndyCar Grand Prix of Alabama at Barber Motorsports Park. This for the win with about five laps to go.
Last edited by Cornys, .
S3 licensed
Nevermind. NBCSN is broadcasting practices and qualifying. No streaming.

Anyways, it will be a fun weekend Smile
2016 IndyCar Season
S3 licensed
Alexander Rossi and Max Chilton make their first oval start tomorrow night at Phoenix International Raceway. For most of you guys, it will be a REALLY late race start (01:15 UTC Sunday morning).

I THINK you guys can watch practice and qualifications today, however. IndyCar LiveStreams on YouTube everything but the IndyCar race its self. IndyCar practice begins today at 17:00 UTC. Qualification begins at 22:00 UTC. Timing and scoring as well as the stream are available internationally at the link below:

IndyCar also posts the live broadcasts on their YouTube page a couple days after each race Smile
So Long Kyoto 250 and Kyoto 500
S3 licensed
Looks like it's been over a year since either of them have occurred. I'll miss having these events. Thanks for the organization through the years NDR Smile
S3 licensed
I don't trust the US Government to do anything very successfully today. Too many interests other than the interests of the people it is supposed to serve. That's why I don't want Sanders as President. He would make the government bigger when it is already too big IMO. However, I think his ideas are generally good, and he's a very genuine person. Of those who are running I like him the most.

I voted for John Kasich. I want to see both of the current major parties to fall apart in many different ones, so a contested GOP convention would be best. I don't want Hillary to win either, but I think it will happen regardless.

I might have switched party on the ballot and voted for Sanders, despite my dislike for his policies, had I thought he had a chance to beat Clinton, but the superdelegates buried him from the start.

I think every person left in both of the races would be a horrible choice, but Sanders and Kasich would be my two choices. Clinton is not trust worthy, Trump is a complete idiot with reguard to large scale economics and politics, and Cruz is too conservative and religious, although I would chose him over Trump or Clinton by quite a bit. Sanders seem genuine, although I don't think his policies would work well, and Kasich has state executive experience and he is level headed and feels genuine as well. However, I don't think he would make any of the changes that are needed. None of the cantidates would do that.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Are you guys really that happy creating such enormous amounts of debt? Does it work out well?

I hate debt, so the answer for me is no and no. Clearly I don't have much say in how things are done in my country.

Of course, Bernie Sanders would increase our national debt anyways if he had his way.

I'm also curious what people from some of the listed counties above would say.

Personally, I think everybody should get X dollars every month, regardless of income, and taxes should be raised on those who earn in the top 10%, and all other safety net programs (other than Social Security) should be eliminated.

Incentive to work remains, and welfare is maintained and more fair to everybody.
S3 licensed
Why not allow a small number of mod tracks to be released? One every 6 months or so as chosen by the Devs themselves. Spend a month or two upgrading the track and working on bugs than make it a full release allowing them to focus on new cars, features, physics, ect.

I think it's a win-win.

Too many with too little effort would be a complete mess!
S3 licensed
Getting faster takes time. Hotlap analyzer might help, and watching others race will help too, but only so much. You have to just try new things and see what works too.
S3 licensed
I agree. However, as Kid has already noted, this discussion isn't going anywhere.

I'd highlight the leagues of LFS too. It's hard to get league racing going anymore.
S3 licensed
Quote from piapot :purchased S3. hope it helps stimulate more development. LFS is a fantastic sim and one of the better driving experiences. I would love to find some amateur/semi good league or club where we are beyond crashing but not aliens.

To people complaining about price. One track one time purchase. No monthly fee to use forever. and you can race over LAN without an additional purchase of another version of the game.

thanks guys!!!

This. Thank you Smile
MHServers Rockingham 300(km) Race Discussion
S3 licensed
Discussion of the MHServers Rockingham 300(km) should be made on this thread Smile
S3 licensed
Password has been applied Smile. PM me after registration requesting password. Registration will be accepted until 15:30 UTC.
S3 licensed
I would actually flatten the outside retaining wall on corner exit and change its angle a little bit (not too much) to favor drivers exiting the corner. At the actual track there are diagonal lines on the right of the double yellow that indicate that that is not to be raced on.
/spec ai
S3 licensed
It would be nice if you guys could quickly add in a spec all (your) ai function. It would a much easier way to remove safety cars when you're running in a race as well as racing (something I just did last weekend for the Rockingham oval test day).
S3 licensed
That's really cool guys Smile Only problem I see is the exit of turn #1. There's a wall waiting for you if you miss it. A 90 degree to the track wall.
The First Rockingham Oval "League" Race
S3 licensed
Worldwide Racing will be holding the first fully flagged league race on the Rockingham oval this Saturday at 15:00 UTC. The MHServers Rockingham 300(km) will be contested in the XRT, and the race will last 90 minutes if there are no safety car interventions. (Race is 127 laps)

We held a test day last Saturday, and I had a lot of fun. Especially in the XRT. The Rockingham oval drives nothing like the higher banked and longer Kyoto Ring. The draft is less effective at Rockingham, and to be honest, the aero induced understeer in the corners will lead to a really exciting race, because drafting won't help a group of cars pull away from the rest of the group. I'll have to share a reply of us testing the oval with XRT from last weekend. It was quite a blast.

Not too long of a race. Just long enough to get the tires hot. Wear management will play a large role in the event. Fuel will make it the distance easy, but the tires may not.

There is a lot of lifting in turn #4, and there's even a little bit in turn one while running with other cars.

Safe to say, if you didn't like oval racing at the Kyoto Ring, you might just like oval racing at Rockingham. This is the best car to experience it in. It has been voted as such Smile

Announcement and Information Thread / Pre-race discussion
Registration Thread
Rulebook (PDF)
Base Set-up for XRT @ RO3 (Thanks to Flame CZE)

I know a lot of people won't have a set-up, but Flame CZE is letting me share his set-up (I've changed it to suit my less skilled driving style Wink ).

It's a new era for Live For Speed. Don't miss out Wink
Last edited by Cornys, .
S3 licensed
LFS community, we need to do a better job of welcoming the new players who post here. Even the demo users. We were all once demo users.