The online racing simulator
LOTA Special Event: Rally @ Blackwood
Recently, we held our first LOTA Special Event! We ran a 25-lap rally race in the RB4 GT's at Blackwood Rally. A great turnout and even better action proved that rally is alive and popular! Below are the results.
LOTA Rally @ Blackwood - Qual Results:

LOTA Rally @ Blackwood - Race Results:

LOTA Rally @ Blackwood - Replay: LOTA Special Event: Rally @ Blackwood 2-Nov-06 Race Replay

LOTA Rally @ Blackwood - Race Stats: LOTA Special Event: Rally @ Blackwood 2-Nov-06 Race Stats


The normal League Of The Americas rotating series schedule is the Formula V8 Challenge for 8 races over 10 weeks, then a 1-week break, then a 4-race mini-league. We had such great success that instead of doing the Micro-GTR Shootout we had planned for January, we are now going to roll out the LOTA RallyCross Championship soon! Stay tuned for details!