I have problem with newest SIG. When I start LFS from SIG it says something that my net password does not match admin password. But what is that admin password? I dont have it. So pls help.
I have a little problem here!! It dosn't show any list of setups when i write /o setup. if someone know what is problem reply as fast you can! Thank you
Don't know why, but it doesn't work. It says it's connected, but in LFS it wants adminpass. And when I tried to create a host with adminpass then used the same adminpass in SIG, it connected, but /o setups still didn't work.
Not sure, but setupgrid.net only goes up to 0.5Z in terms of patches. Maybe the mod is checking version types and is coming back with 0 setups because there are no setups for 0.6E?
Correct. I did not remember how it works, so I had a look into the source code and the LFS Version is used the fetch the correct setups from the setupgrid website. So with the new 0.6E you will not receive any setups, because the setupgrid.net website (in my opinion) needs to be updated.