The online racing simulator
Nixim RaceCraft GT and ECCI wheel/pedal combo
I am looking for owners of both a NIXIM RaceCraft GT Race Cockpit and the ECCI wheel and pedal combination. I currently have a Nixim and I am looking at adding the ECCI wheel and pedals. I am mostly interested in the fit and comfort of the pedals with this cockpit? I know that you need the Universal Mount from Nixim for the ECCI pedals. So I will be having to get that ....

IF anyone has this combination can you please comment on your experience and/or contact me via a private message? It would be much appreciated.


Sorry I can't help you but maybe you can help me?

I've been looking at getting a cockpit and am wondering what your thoughts are on the Nixim Racecraft GT? It looks ok but maybe a bit on the expensive side for what it is?

I've also been looking at the following:

Obutto - not sure if I can get this in the UK, waiting on them answering my e-mail, from what I read this seems the best value and a quality product.

Fanatec Rennspeed - Looks the dogs bollocks, but a very expensive set of testes. Also it can come with a support for 3 x 24" monitors which is my next aim with Triple head to go. (wifes gonna cut my bollocks off)

Playseat - not a bad price although not really what I want.

If anyone reading this has any other ideas it would be much appreciated.

Sorry to hijack your thread a bit mate, I hope someone can help you out. I can ask in the iracing forum for you as I know there are many folks in there with ECCI products.

Edit: I see you've already posted in the iracing forum, good luck mate
I would highly recommend the NIXIM RaceCraft GT, it is a great and very sturdy product, Also has quite a bit of expansion available for different types of speaker and monitor mounting, etc. Dave at Nixim is great with service as well. I also have serveral friends here in the USA that use the Obutto all of which are very happy with it too, and it's a bit cheaper. I dont think you can go wrong either way.

Thanks for your response David.

As the Nixim is built in the UK and the pound is worth nowt at the moment it may be the wise option for me and I know their support is good from getting the G25 pedal mod from them. That Fanatec Rennspeed keeps winking at me though .

I'm going to wait on a reply from Obutto then decide.
Glad I could help. Now if anyone here has a Nixim and ECCI pedals, let me know !