The online racing simulator
stereotypes and stuff...
(60 posts, started )
Quote from thisnameistaken :You need a bib when you eat because you like Nascar.



Now where's the middle finger smiley, LOL.
Quote from tristancliffe :I like bananas. Or the occasional kiwi. Or, simply, a nice chocolate chip muffin

I prefer a nice Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding (SP?) or a nice big Steak <DROOL>

Damn.. now I'm hungry, and the caf here at college closed already Not like they serve anything worth eating anyways..

Quote from thisnameistaken :Sorry but I just had to put down my cup of tea, put out my pipe and remove the bizarre steel wire contraption from my mouth for long enough to say that your stereotype of English people really bothers me.

#29 - Vain
Quote from tristancliffe :Or, simply, a nice chocolate chip muffin

It's not a fruit? Darn, I guess I'll have to tell my chocolate chip muffin tree that it isn't possible and that it has to grow some other fruit this year. Any suggestions?

Oh, and by the way, in germany about every school kid has to learn a map of the USA at least once. So even after school a lot of the people should have a general idea about most american states. That is of course dependant on the particular school they visited and wether they payed attention .

#30 - Smax
Nice one... the original poster didn't say "I am an American" but with given that it tells you where he comes from under his name he didn't have to.

He then proceeds to make a post basically saying "I wish the rest of the world would stop being ignorant and bashing us for liking the things we do, if you don't like them then it's you who has the problem not us, and don't expect us to change our ways. Then he finishes of by ironically whining about sterotyping

Well a stereotype can only exist if there are more than a few people in the world who fit into it, guess which category I happen to think he falls into....
Quote from MAGGOT :Personally, it's not oval racing I don't like, it's NASCAR in particular. I don't like the way the series is run, I don't like the hugely money-driven commercial attitude of it now, and I don't like the glamorization of all the bull. I want racing, and NASCAR is forgetting that.

THANK YOU!!! That's exactly what i've been saying for years...Nascar is getting waaaaay too commericialized....which is the main reason i stopped watching it.
Quote from thisnameistaken :You need a bib when you eat because you like Nascar.


You made my day, I was laughing out loud, and still am when I read it again.
Quote from Vain :It's not a fruit? Darn, I guess I'll have to tell my chocolate chip muffin tree that it isn't possible and that it has to grow some other fruit this year. Any suggestions?

Oh, and by the way, in germany about every school kid has to learn a map of the USA at least once. So even after school a lot of the people should have a general idea about most american states. That is of course dependant on the particular school they visited and wether they payed attention .


Two suggestions - don't tell it, and tell me where this cake tree is, cos I want in!
Quote from L(Oo)ney :In moto gp it usually goes something like this - Rossi gets the lead, pulls away, and for the rest of the race he's out on his own with a 1 min lead with no chance of anyone catching him, unless his bike blows up or something.

It's actually not very often that a race goes like that. Many people seem to be under the impression that Rossi (and his bike) is simply always massively faster than everybody else, but it's just not true. Have a look at the 2005 season, Rossi didn't win many of the races he won by a margin of more than a couple of seconds, frequently it was a lot less, and I wouldn't be surprised if he'd led fewer laps than other riders in most of those races too.
Most of my childhood was spent at the infield at Mid-Ohio road course, the "battery hump" of a back seat in an MGB during road rallies, and a small dark touring car clubhouse watching grand prix films. That is when I wasn't on the ice at the local rink playing hockey.

I've been to Indy, and I've tried to watch NASCAR. It is just to boring for me. I guess the sports car thing is in my blood. Many fond memories of all the old European sports cars (50's -70's).

Baseball... hhmm, on a good day I could score a "hat trick" in the time it takes to strike out or walk a batter. Way to slow... again boring for me.

But, I for one would not go to a baseball game and try to convert fans to hockey. Nor would I go to a NASCAR or Indy race and try to convince folks that sports car racing is more exciting.

Now that I've bored you... my point is this. Everyone has personal preferences and opinions, they don't necessarily reflect where you live or come from. This country isn't even the same now as it was 40 years ago, the demographics have changed so much.

Stereotype an American? LOL
Which ones?
The problem with NASCAR is that they need reminding that the S stands for stock.

Let them have their small block V8's, but they should be stock (like they were in the 50's) and the only modifications allowed would be safey ones.

Also, NASCAR should end duplicate oval rounds and bring in Laguna Seca, Road America, Indy Road.

Before practice on ovals, a coin should be tossed. If heads, it should be raced anticlockwise, tails clockwise.

And cricket isn't boring.... unless the English national team are playing with a full squad cos England mow down everyone, no exeptions.
Quote from L(Oo)ney :In moto gp it usually goes something like this - Rossi gets the lead, pulls away, and for the rest of the race he's out on his own with a 1 min lead with no chance of anyone catching him, unless his bike blows up or something.

I hope this year Dani puts some troubles to Rossi's races Great race at Jerez for a debutant!!

BTW, back on topic, the guy just opened the thread and never came back... seems like a troll to me, opening the thread just for a flame war
Well he is a homeless drunk (or so his name implied) so it's possible the internet cafe kicked him out before he could post again.

I'm not a troll....I used to post on the rscnet forums quite often...I am sorry I didn't respond right away...This thread wasn't intended to be about nascar, its just thats what everyone seems to put down...and it seems like every post that has 1 comment about nascar is trailed by a bunch of bull about how americans are rednecks and how we suck...mrodgers is one of the few people who understands the reason of this thread....
Quote from thisnameistaken :Apples for teh win, stoopid orange-loving idiots wouldn't know a good fruit if it bit them on the ass.

This made me laugh.

To the original poster: I agree with you that NASCAR gets a bad rap. I say this as someone who didn't watch any oval racing at all when growing up (hardly knew it existed). I discovered NASCAR largely through late night television and Papyrus games. I learned that simulated NASCAR races can be fantastic fun to drive, and that the real sport includes some very smart, determined and skilful drivers. On a trip to the US I went along to a small local circuit (Irwindale Speedway, CA) and had a great time.

But -- wouldn't you agree that the way the sport is currently run gives it some problems in being taken seriously by outsiders? What is it with that "boogity boogity boogity" guy? And crap like the "lucky dog rule"? And having to pretend that these cars bear any real relationship to on-road Chevy, Fords, Pontiacs, Dodges, etc?

(Clearly a sport run by stoopid orange-loving idiots, but maybe that can change.)
Quote from jtr99 : What is it with that "boogity boogity boogity" guy?

The day NASCAR "jumped the shark".
Quote from jtr99 :This made me laugh.

To the original poster: I agree with you that NASCAR gets a bad rap. I say this as someone who didn't watch any oval racing at all when growing up (hardly knew it existed). I discovered NASCAR largely through late night television and Papyrus games. I learned that simulated NASCAR races can be fantastic fun to drive, and that the real sport includes some very smart, determined and skilful drivers. On a trip to the US I went along to a small local circuit (Irwindale Speedway, CA) and had a great time.

But -- wouldn't you agree that the way the sport is currently run gives it some problems in being taken seriously by outsiders? What is it with that "boogity boogity boogity" guy? And crap like the "lucky dog rule"? And having to pretend that these cars bear any real relationship to on-road Chevy, Fords, Pontiacs, Dodges, etc?

(Clearly a sport run by stoopid orange-loving idiots, but maybe that can change.)

That is, essentially what I have said aswell. It's not the sport that is the problem - it's the series itself. Oval racing is fantastic, just not NASCAR's upper-tier oval racing. While talking about dumb rules, don't forget the "Chase for the Cup." Talk about a moronic rules addition...

Quote from MAGGOT : While talking about dumb rules, don't forget the "Chase for the Cup."

Good point, I forgot possibly the dumbest one of all.

You could hardly call me an oval freak, but I do think that oval racing at its best does have a weirdly compelling beauty and zen-like simplicity to it. I find it interesting that fans of European-style road tracks often seem to hate ovals, but they also moan about modern changes to the road tracks they love: long, high-speed corners like Curva Grande at Monza being de-fanged by slow chicanes and first-gear hairpins. If you think that fast sweeping curves are the greatest spectacle in motor-racing, well, then, why not just join two of them together -- hey presto, an oval.
Yes, nascar has changed a lot over the years...I agree with jtr99 on many of his points....

If nascar was still 'stock cars' it would be boring as hell...who wants to watch a bunch of front wheel drive v6 monte carlo's, taurus and intrepids drive at their amazing top speed? I know I dont....of course the sport is going to change....things change....the point ladder can change the way the cup is won can change...but the racing will still be racing....the cars will still sound like mean v8's as they whip around the track...there are many things that wont....i disagree with many of the things that they are doing with the sport but that doesnt mean I am going to stop watching it....i love the sound, excitement (even though a lot of you dont get that part) and the fanbase...its amazing...

Quote :I find it interesting that fans of European-style road tracks often seem to hate ovals, but they also moan about modern changes to the road tracks they love: long, high-speed corners like Curva Grande at Monza being de-fanged by slow chicanes and first-gear hairpins.If you think that fast sweeping curves are the greatest spectacle in motor-racing, well, then, why not just join two of them together -- hey presto, an oval.

I dont think anyone could of said that better...
SCCA and F1 don't have their name on every type of merchandise there is.
#47 - Vain
Quote :I find it interesting that fans of European-style road tracks often seem to hate ovals, but they also moan about modern changes to the road tracks they love: long, high-speed corners like Curva Grande at Monza being de-fanged by slow chicanes and first-gear hairpins.If you think that fast sweeping curves are the greatest spectacle in motor-racing, well, then, why not just join two of them together -- hey presto, an oval.

Who said that? I don't know anyone who would choose a fast sweeper over a tricky turn. Neither driver nor spectator. Except oval-fans of course. But I could perhaps imagin that some F1-fans could enjoy that. But who likes F1 anyway?
Fast turns are part of racing, but they are also quite boring in most cars. The most boring part of the Nordschleife is the Grand Prix part, if it is driven in the event (in most events it is, because of the pitlanes and because there is a lot of space for spectators, car lots, etc, though it's the most boring place to watch the race).

I think it's an inaccurate generlisation (even a stereotype) to say road-track fans just want big fast sweepers and loathe slow turns and hairpins. I think what we want is a variety of corners in any given track.
The main gripe with adding chicanes to old tracks to modernise them isn't just that they slow the cars down (thus giving sponsors more camera-time), it's that they often make tracks or sections of tracks very technical and slow without offering much chance to overtake, which leads to the "follow-the-leader" F1 phenomenon of recent years (although the crazy aero contributed to that, as did other tech stuff such as traction control). It sometimes seems (to some of us) that they're added just for the hell of it too, especially with classic venues like Silverstone, Le Mans, Monza..
Tight turns aren't a problem for us - think Monaco, the greatest street track of them all. We'd all love to give that place a thrashing (FYI they even threw in a new chicane after Tabac corner - but only because they had to divert the track around a swimming pool) Imagine a NASCAR trying to lug itself around there
While we're at it, imagine they decided to install a 2nd-gear chicane in the middle of the back straight (what's a "straightaway"? someone please tell me :tilt at Daytona ...

Sort of back on's a shame NASCAR fans get stereotyped the way they do, but I guess any large group of people that share something similar are going to cop it from various directions, especially if people don't understand that much about them. LFS fans get some unfair generalisations about being a pack of bitchy newb-hating drift/rice punks when most are serious race fans who have no time for cr4p that isn't race-related. Yes, LFS does attract drifters and ricers, but they are a minority. Don't know about GPL fans - maybe there aren't enough of us left for people to actually form an opinion
Quote from danowat :
The other American thing I hate is baseball, how you guys can sit there for 3 hours and watch this is beyond me.


as opposed to cricket which is thrill a minute and only lasts anything between 1 day and 5 days

ok now back to topic

i've always prefered road racing due to its variety of corners, gradients etc


you have to admit that some of the racing on ovals is fantastic wheel to wheel stuff, the last 20 laps of last weekends racing were fantastic.
Quote from tinvek :as opposed to cricket which is thrill a minute and only lasts anything between 1 day and 5 days

While that may be boring, atleast we dont create a "world series" that only one country takes part in.

stereotypes and stuff...
(60 posts, started )