Team Setup Station by Dean "D34N0" 2006 ( v0.970a - BETA - Rationalised the code in the setups required page to decrease loading time a little v0.970 - BETA - Language now set via the user profile. Login page and guest login will still be in the native language - Added Icelandic and Croatian translations will not translate phpMyEdit application - Amended Required/Missing setups and Quick Find pages to show only Cars & Tracks with coloured background - Amended table css formatting to be more consistant in a number of files - Moved the CheckUserLevel function from the login page to the page.class file - Fixed Errors in files within the install folder - Tidied up the CSS file - Documentation Updated v0.963 - BETA - Amended setups required page. Added row of car headings to the bottom of the table. Tag added to tick image to show combo - Thanks to "HorsePower" for the Ideas of Guest login, Quick Find and the above. - Amended quick find page argument handling and the title of the display table - Amended the way the member status page changes from LFS colour codes to HTML codes. Using code supplied by Victor If using dark baground on website look in general.class.php and change "case 7 : $type = "#808080"; return $type; Break; " - Documentation updated v0.960 - BETA - Added Quick Find function. It uses the Required/Missing sets page. Clicking on a Tick shows setups for that combo - Moved the code for creating zip files and showing users pubstats to general class file - Amended the find setups page to use the code moved to the general class file - Amended language files to include Quick Find - Documentation updated v0.954 - BETA - Fixed bug where userlevel 3 would logout when clicking the change profile link v0.953 - BETA - Added Guest login facility. Can be enabled/disabled see manual - Added New userlevel 3. This allows view, upload sets and profile change - Change the Required/Missing setup page to view in one table similar idea to Team Inferno - CSS file updated for new Required/Missing setup page - New images added to images folder - Documentation updated v0.94 - BETA - Added check for SQL Injection in trigger files - Added a blank index.html to folders to stop direct acces to them v0.93 - BETA - Fixed Language issue in event trigger files - Changed the way the version number is displayed v0.92 - BETA - Fixed bug where password not encrypted when adding a new member v0.91 - BETA - Fixed bug with php version number checking in displayLogin() function. - Fixed typos in installation SQL file. v0.90 - BETA - Initial BETA release.