#The code above tells Lapper that when the OnConnect event is triggered (by someone connecting to the server), it should also execute an extra piece of code CatchEvent OnConnect( $userName ) OnConnect_law_button(); EndCatchEvent #Sub routine that is executed when someone connects to the server Sub Onconnect_law_button() openPrivButton( "law_button",70,10,80,7,5,-1,16,"Read Law",Laws ); EndSub #Sub routine that is executed when someone has clicked the button displayed in sub routine 'Onconnect_law_button' Sub Laws ( $KeyFlags, $id ) #Do something here to show the laws, starting by closing the button that just has been clicked closePrivButton("law_button"); openPrivButton( "law_1",70,40,80,7,5,-1,16,"RTFM = Read the f*cking manual ;-)" ); EndSub