Live for Speed command line options and text commands ===================================================== Command line options : ---------------------- LFS can be started using a command line or another program. A dedicated host mode is available with no hardware draw : "nogfx". Before selecting host options, you may find it helpful to run LFS and try out the options on the Start New Game screen - the required upload bandwidth for those options is displayed on screen. A command line or a command file is required for dedicated hosts. NOTE - alternative way to use the command line options : A command file xxx.txt can be used instead of a long command line. The command file contains the command line parameters. The parameters can be spread onto several lines. The command file can contain comments, starting with two slashes // Then the command line would be simply : LFS /cfg=xxx.txt (where xxx.txt is the name of the config file) /host=Host Name :FIRST IN LIST /pass=Pass :if required - password /admin=Pass :if required - admin password /ip=X.X.X.X :if required - local specified ip address /port=63392 :a high number below 65536 /mode=demo :demo / s1 / s2 /usemaster=yes :no / yes / hidden /track=XXCR :track and config (e.g. BL1 / SO3R / FE4) /weather=1 :weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood /cars=[cars] :see below : "Car Strings" /maxguests=4 :max number of guests that can join host /carsmax=5 :max number of cars in a race /carshost=1 :max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc /carsguest=1 :max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc /pps=4 :smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second /qual=0 :qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying /laps=5 :number of lap, 0 for practice /wind=1 :0 no wind / 1 low wind / 2 high wind /dedicated=no :no / yes / nogfx / invisible /vote=yes :no / yes : can guests vote to kick or ban /select=yes :no / yes : can guests select track /rstmin=X :no restart for X seconds after race start /rstend=X :no restart for X seconds after race finish /autokick=no :no / yes / ban / spectate (Wrong way drivers) /midrace=yes X :no / yes (Join during race) /mustpit=no :no / yes (Pit Stop Required) /start=finish :fixed/finish/reverse/random (Default race start) /insim=PORT :listen for InSim (PORT is between 1 and 65535) /windowed=X :no / yes - overrides the cfg.txt setting /welcome=X.txt :set welcome text file /tracks=X.txt :set list of allowed tracks Host commands : --------------- Some text commands are intended for hosts and administrators. Using the normal text message system (pressing T in a normal host or simply typing into a nogfx host), the message becomes a command if you start it with a slash character. Simple commands with no parameter : /restart :(re)starts the current race /qualify :(re)starts qualifying /end :return to entry screen /names :toggle display between player and user names /help :get list of commands /reinit :total restart (removes all connections) Commands with a parameter - entry screen mode : /track XXCR :track and config (e.g. BL1 / SO3R / FE4) /weather X :lighting (e.g. 1, 2, 3...) /qual X :qualifying minutes (0 = no qualifying) /laps X :number of laps (0 = practice) /hours X :number of hours (if laps not specified) /wind X :0 no / 1 low / 2 high /autox X :load autocross layout named X for this track /axclear :clear autocross layout Commands with a parameter - any time : /axlist X :get list of layouts for track X - e.g. AU1 /axlaps X :set autocross number of laps /maxguests X :max number of guests that can join host /carsmax X :max number of cars in a race /carshost X :max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc /carsguest X :max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc /pps X :smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second /msg X :send system message /vote X :no/yes (allow guest voting) /select X :no/yes (guests select track) /rstmin X :no restart for X seconds after race start /rstend X :no restart for X seconds after race finish /autokick X :no/yes/ban/spectate (Wrong way drivers) /midrace X :no/yes (Join during race) /mustpit X :no/yes (Pit Stop Required) /start X :fixed/finish/reverse/random (Default race start) /pass X :set new password (BLANK = no password) /cars [cars] :see below : "Car Strings" /welcome X.txt :set welcome text file /tracks X.txt :set list of allowed tracks Ban / Kick / Spectate commands - any time : /spectate X :make user X join the spectators /kick X :disconnect user X /ban X Y :ban user X for Y days (0 = 12 hours) /unban X :remove ban on user X /pitlane X :send user X to the pit lane Penalties : /p_dt USERNAME :give drive through penalty /p_sg USERNAME :give stop-go penalty /p_30 USERNAME :give 30 second time penalty /p_45 USERNAME :give 45 second time penalty Race Control Messages : (big text in centre of screen) /rcm MESSAGE :set a Race Control Message to be sent /rcm_ply USERNAME :send the RCM to USERNAME /rcm_all :send the RCM to all /rcc_ply USERNAME :clear USERNAME's RCM /rcc_all :clear all RCMs The host commands are also available to any user who has connected to the host using the admin password if one was specified when the host was started. To display a welcome message on a host : ---------------------------------------- Create a text file named "X.txt" in your LFS folder. Type up to 200 characters into the text file. Use the command /welcome=X.txt in your startup command line To restrict the tracks allowed on a host : ------------------------------------------ Create a text file named "X.txt" in your LFS folder. List all the tracks and configurations you want to allow. Type one configuration on each line. You must use the short name of the tracks : [first two letters of name] [config number] [reversed] Example : BL1 BL1R BL2 BL2R FE1 FE1R Use the command /tracks=X.txt in your startup command line Local commands : ---------------- Most of these text commands replicate functions usually controlled by pressing on-screen buttons but can be useful in other situations, for example when controlling LFS from an external program using InSim. Game setup screen only : /ai [NAME] :add ai driver (can specify NAME) /ready :set ready /cancel :cancel ready /clear :clear all racers from list Game setup screen on in game : /car XXX :select car (e.g. XRT) /setup X :select setup X /colour X :select colour X /join :join the race /spectate :spectate or leave grid /leave :disconnect from host /player X :select existing player X Mode / replay control : /spr X :run a SP replay from entry (front end) screen /mpr X :run a MP replay from entry (front end) screen /end :exit from replay back to front end /sp :go into single player from entry screen /mp IP PORT :join a local mp game from entry screen Any time : /exit :clean exit from guest or host /speedreduce X :total speed steer reduction (0 to 1) /reducehalf X :speed in m/s for half of reduction /loadkb X :load kb settings file (data\misc\X.kbs) /savekb X :save kb settings file /out X :ignored by LFS but seen by external programs Useful commands for scripts and controller buttons : /run X :run the script X (data\script\X.lfs) /hrun X :run script X on host (admins only) /exec E C :run program E (with command line C) /fov [degrees] - field of view /ff [0-200] - force feedback strength /axis [axis] [function] - e.g. /axis 2 throttle (see below) /invert [0/1] [function] - e.g. /invert 1 brake (see below) /button [button] [function] - e.g. /button 5 shift_up (see below) /key [key] [function] - e.g. /key Q handbrake (see below) /head_tilt [degrees] - 1g head tilt /lateral_shift [m] - 1g lateral shift /forward_shift [m] - 1g forward shift /vertical_shift [m] - 1g vertical shift /say [message] - same as typing a chat message /echo [text] - show text only on local screen /spec [name] - same as spectate [name] /ctrlf [num] [text] - change text e.g. "ctrlf 1 hello" /alt [num] [text] - change text e.g. "altf 1 bye" /wheel_turn [degrees] - specify turn angle of controller /press [key] - simulate key press /shift [key] - SHIFT + key /ctrl [key] - CTRL + key /alt [key] - ALT + key /autoclutch [0-1] - turn autoclutch off / on /gccut [0-1] - throttle cut on upshift /gcblip [0-1] - throttle blip on downshift /shifter [auto/sequential/shifter] - shift type /view [fol/heli/cam/driver/custom] - select view IN A SCRIPT : //comment - this line is ignored IN CHAT BOX : //xxx - short for /run xxx To get info from LFS World - /w and /ws commands : -------------------------------------------------- /w CMD sends command to LFS World for current car/track e.g. /w pb (Personal Best) or /w laps (Laps) /ws TRACK CAR CMD sends command for specified car/track e.g. /ws BL1R XRT pb (get PB in XR GT TURBO at Blackwood GP REV) More online DB access commands can be found on the "LFS Keys" page at To get info from master server - /m command : /m find USER : find a user online /m ? : get a list of master commands Game setup screen only : ------------------------ /ai [NAME] :add ai driver (can specify NAME) /ready and /cancel :set or cancel ready /clear :clear all racers from list Game setup screen or in game : ------------------------------ /car XXX :select car (e.g. XRT) /setup X :select setup X /colour X :select colour X /join :join the race /spectate :spectate or leave grid /leave :disconnect from host /player X :select existing player X Car Strings : ------------- The /cars command for the startup command line or for hosts / admins now uses the three-letter S2 car codes. Example : /cars=XFG+XRG :Allow XF GTI and XR GT /cars=MRT :Allow MRT5 only These Car Groups can be used as well : ALL - all cars ROAD - road legal cars RACE - race cars TBO - same as XRT+RB4+FXO LRF - same as LX6+RAC+FZ5 GTR - same as FXR+XRR+FZR The plus and minus symbols can be used in conjuction with these : /cars=TBO+LX4 :Allow XRT, RB4, FXO and LX4 /cars=ROAD-UF1 :Allow all road cars except the UF 1000 FUNCTION NAMES for the /button AND /key COMMANDS : -------------------------------------------------- steer_left, steer_right, steer_fast, steer_slow throttle, brake, shift_up, shift_down clutch, handbrake, left_view, right_view, rear_view horn, flash, reset, pit_speed, tc_disable, zoom_in, zoom_out reverse, gear_1 - gear_7, ctrl_f1 - ctrl_f12 FUNCTION NAMES for the /axis AND /invert COMMANDS : --------------------------------------------------- steer, combined, throttle, brake lookh, lookp, lookr clutch, handbrake, shiftx, shifty UNASSIGNING a button or axis : ------------------------------ To unassign a button or axis from a function, you can assign -1 to that function. Example 1 : /button -1 shift_up <- unassign the shift up button Example 2 : /axis -1 clutch <- unassign the clutch axis PARAMETERS for the key commands (press / ctrl / shift) : -------------------------------------------------------- Letters A to Z Numbers 0 to 9 F1 to F12 up, down, left, right space, enter, esc, tab less, more ------------------ LFS - 28 July 2006