// Example host configuration file // How to use: LFS /cfg=setup.cfg // Lines starting with // are ignored // host name /host=Team Eire FOX Server // optional: password //pass=password // optional: admin password /admin=Flightorfight // optional: InSim port //insim=29999 // optional: local specified ip address //ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx // a high number below 65536 /port=63392 // demo/s1/s2 /mode=S2 // no/yes/hidden /usemaster=yes // BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc /track=AS3 // weather /weather=1 // cars allowed - see README.txt /cars=FOX // max guests that can join host /maxguests=32 // slots reserved for admins (0 to 8) /adminslots=1 // max cars in a race /carsmax=32 // max cars (real+ai) on host pc /carshost=1 // max cars (real+ai) per guest pc /carsguest=1 // smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second /pps=6 // qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying /qual=0 // number of laps, 0 for practice /laps=5 // if laps not specified: hours //hours=24 // 0=no/1=low/2=high /wind=1 // nogfx/invisible /dedicated=nogfx // no/yes: can guests vote to kick or ban /vote=yes // no/yes: can guests select track /select=yes // no/yes/ban/spectate: wrong way drivers /autokick=spectate // no restart within X seconds of race start /rstmin=60 // no restart within X seconds of race finish /rstend=30 // no/yes: allow join during race /midrace=yes // no/yes: pit stop required /mustpit=no // no/yes: allow car reset /canreset=no // no/yes: force cockpit view /fcv=no // fixed/finish/reverse/random: race start order /start=finish // optional: welcome message up to 200 chars //welcome=welcome.txt // optional: text file listing allowed tracks //tracks=tracks.txt // optional: message log file //log=deb.log // MPR autosave (0=off / 1=manual / 2=auto) /autosave=0 // optional: MPR folder //mprdir=mpr