# Example setup file for LFS Admin and Track Rotator # # LFS Server admin password AdminPass=Password # # The LFS server insim port InSimPort=29999 # # The LFS server IP incase its not local ServerIP= # # List of 'admins' split the usernames with ',' Admins=mcgas001,username2,username3 # # The prefix used before the the 'admins' commands CommandPrefix=! # # The number of races on each combo before change NumberOfRacesChange=4 # # Time in minutes(1-6) for auto restart after the first player finishs RestartTime=2 # # List of tracks to be used on rotate, split with ',' Tracks=FE4,BL1,AS1,WE1,SO4 # # Select yes if the cars should rotate when the track does CarsRotate=yes # # List of cars to be used on rotate, split with ',' Cars=XFG,XRG,GTR,TBO,UF1