########################################################################### # Configuration Syntax for "4dot" Config System. # # Reserved Char: '#' for Comment, can be at Anywhere. # Identifier: 4 Maximun Separated by '.', ex: ident1.ident2.ident3.ident4 = # Value: Can be Any Char except reserved one. Don't enclose text into '"' # # Example: # ident1.ident2.ident3.ident4 = i'm aware that all char are usable except the reserved one #This is a example # Identifier = ident1.ident2.ident3.ident4 # Value = i'm aware that all char are usable except the reserved one # Comment = This is a example # ########################################################################### # ODBC2MySQL Configuration file # #_________________________________________________________________________# ConfVersion = 20080808 ########################################################################### # PERFORMANCE SETINGS # # ProcessPriority # Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows) # Default: 1 (HIGH) # 0 (Normal) # PlayerSaveInterval # Default: 60000 (milliseconds) # # DLFSSSUpdateRate # Main thread update rate. # Default: 50 (milliseconds) # #_________________________________________________________________________# ProcessPriority = 0 UpdateRate = 50 ########################################################################### # LOGGING # # LogDisable # Enter your mask to disable 1 or multiple log. # Default: 65535 (All Disable) # Flag List to Create you Mask. # LOG_NORMAL = 1 //Only Control File Log # LOG_CHAT = 2 # LOG_COMMAND = 4 # LOG_ERROR = 8 //Only Control File Log # LOG_DEBUG = 16 # LOG_MISSING_DEFINITION = 32 //Only Control File Log # LOG_NETWORK = 64 # LOG_DATABASE = 128 # LOG_PING = 256 # #_________________________________________________________________________# LogDisable = 65535 ########################################################################### # Database Connections # # MySQL.ConnectionInfo = hostname;port;username;password;database;compression # hostname: Ip or DNS Name. # port: Port Number. # # ODBC.ConnectionInfo = driver;acombaexe;dsn;username;password;versionSDK;database # driver: Acomba ODBC driver, for the Acomba ODBC driver. # acombaexe: Full path to the Acomba.exe file, she need to be registered with ODBC for acomba. # dsn: Windows ODBC manager Connection Name. # versionSDK: 5 for the default. # database: Full database path of acomba, shw must be registered with ODBC for Acomba. # #_________________________________________________________________________# MySQL.ConnectionInfo =;3306;root;dexxa;acomba;no ODBC.ConnectionInfo = Acomba ODBC driver;c:\Fortune;Acomba;supervisor;;5;C:\F1000.dta\VEZAR ########################################################################### # Database Table # # ODBC.TableFormat.$TableName = value # $TableName == The table name that format will fit. # value == Format of the table like this: "xxxxxxx" , 1 char for each colum, must be the exact same count. # x = not captured, s = string, u = uint, i = int, t = datetime, f = decimal/float/double # # MySQL.TableInsertQuery.$TableName = # $TableName == The table name that format will fit. # value = A Valid MySQL query to be Formated with String.Format(). # {n} = The count of {n}(format) element must be == to the captured char into ODBC.TableFormat.$TableName # for that same table. # # IMPORTANT! BOTH "ODBC" AND "MYSQL" MUST FOLLOW SAME TABLE ORDER AND HAS SAME TABLE COUNT. #_________________________________________________________________________# ODBC.TableFormat.Customer = xxxxxxxsxsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxux ODBC.TableFormat.Invoicing = xxxxxxxxxxuuxtuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxuxxxxxxxxxxxxxffxxxxu ODBC.TableFormat.InvoicingLine = xxxxuxxxuxuxxxxxxxuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxfxxxxxxxxxxxxxfxxu ODBC.TableFormat.ProductGroup = xxxxxusxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxu ODBC.TableFormat.SalesRep = xxxxxuxsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxu #allo MySQL.TableInsertQuery.Customer = INSERT INTO `Customer` VALUES ('{0}','{1}',{2}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `CuNumber`='{0}',`CuName`='{1}',`RecCardPos`={2} MySQL.TableInsertQuery.Invoicing = INSERT INTO `Invoicing` VALUES ({0},{1},'{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `InInvoiceType`={0},`InTransactionType`={1},`InDate`='{2}',`InCustomerSupplierCP`={3},`InSalesRepCP`={4},`InTerritoryCP`={5},`InInvoiceTotal`={6},`InInvoiceSubTotal`={7},`RecCardPos`={8} MySQL.TableInsertQuery.InvoicingLine = INSERT INTO `InvoicingLine` VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ILInvoicingCP`={0},`ILType`='{1}',`ILCustomerSupplierCP`={2},`ILProductGroupCP`={3},`ILOrderedQty`={4},`ILSellingPrice`={5},`ILTotalAmount`={6},`RecCardPos`={7} MySQL.TableInsertQuery.ProductGroup = INSERT INTO `ProductGroup` VALUES ({0},'{1}',{2}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `PGNumber`={0},`PGDescription`='{1}',`RecCardPos`={2} MySQL.TableInsertQuery.SalesRep = INSERT INTO `SalesRep` VALUES ({0},'{1}',{2}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `SRNumber`={0},`SRName`='{1}',`RecCardPos`={2}