---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LFS DEDI HOST Configuration: Quick Tutorial: How to configure your own LFS Server. (By: Blas89) Hello, first of all if you dont have the LFS Dedi Host you can download it from the LFS forums (http://www.lfsforum.net). Extrac the files into a new folder (the path is not important), You will see 7 files and 2 folfers (files: LFS.EXE, SETUP.CFG, CFG.TXT, DEB.TXT, INTERFACE_CFG.TXT, CARD_CFG.TXT, README.TXT. folders: DATA, DOCS). Ready? ok lets get started... Look for the setup.cgf file and then right click on it- open with- Notepad (i recommend you to use notepad beacuse is easy), once you did that you'll see a lot of text and you'll be like this @_@ but don't worry i'll teach you step by step: 1.- /host= Host - If you leave this by default your server will be called "Host" so if you want your server to be called "Come here and have fun" you'll have to remove "= Host" and replace it with "= Come here and have fun". You'll have something like this: /host= Come here and have fun 2.- /pass= - This is the server password, if you dont want your server to be private leave this space empty, but, if you want your server to be private just add the password after the = symbol. (/pass= Blas89) like this. 3.- /admin= - Here you have to put the admin password and with this you can Kick, Ban, Change cars, Change tracks and more... But hey! if you want this to work you have to join to your server with this password instead of the server password (Watch out!). 4.- /insim=29999 - I suggest you to leave this by the default number (If you know about insim well you'll know how to configure it hehe). 5.- /ip=XX.XX.XXX.XX - Your own ip adress goes here (example: /ip=10.300.245.78). 6.- /port=63392 - Well 63392 is the default port you can change it if you want. 7.- /mode=demo/s2/s1 - Here you chose the type of server you want to set up, if you want an S2 server you'll have to do this "/mode=s2". 8.- /usemaster=yes - If you want others to see your server leave this YES. 9.- /track=BL1 - Here you select the track you want. Track keys: //Aston - AS1=Aston Cadet, AS2=Aston Club, AS3=Aston National, AS4=Aston Historic, AS5=Aston Grand Prix //Aston -AS1r=Reversed AS2r=Reversed AS3r=Reversed AS4r=Reversed AS5r=Reversed //AutoCross - AU1=Autocross arena, AU2=Skid Pad, AU3=Drag Strip, AU4=8 Lane Drag //Blackwood - BL1=Blackwood GP, BL2=Blackwood Rallycross, BL3=Blackwood Carpark //Blackwood -BL1r=Reversed BL2r=Reversed //Fern Bay - FE1=Fern Bay Club, FE2=Fern Bay Green, FE3=Fern Bay Gold, FE4=Fern Bay Black, FE5=Fern Bay Rallycross FE6=Fern Bay Rallycross Green. //Fern Bay -FE1r=Reversed FE2r=Reversed FE3r=Reversed FE4r=Reversed FE5r=Reversed FE6r=Reversed //Kyoto Ring - KY1=Kyoto Oval, KY2=Kyoto National, KY3=Kyoto GP Long //Kyoto Ring -Ky1r=Reversed KY2r=Reversed KY3r=Reversed //South City - SO1=South City Classic, SO2=South City Sprint Track 1, SO3=South City Sprint Track 2, SO4=South City Long, SO5=South City town Course. //South City -SO1r=Reversed SO2r=Reversed SO3r=Reversed SO4r=Reversed SO5r=Reversed //Westhill - WE1=Westhill International //Westhill -WE1r=Reversed 10.- /weather=1 - The weather you want. (1 is clear, 2 cloudy, 3 evening). 11.- /cars=XFG - The car/cars you want available on your server, if you want 2 or more cars just add the + symbol like this "/cars=XFG+XRT". Cars keys: //ALL - all cars //ROAD - road legal cars //RACE - race cars //TBO - same as XRT+RB4+FXO //LRF - same as LX6+RAC+FZ5 //GTR - same as FXR+XRR+FZR //Individual Car Codes //UF1=UF 1000, XFG=XF GTI, XRG=XR GT, XRT=XR GT Turbo, RB4=RB4 GT, FXO=FXO Turbo, LX4=LX4. //LX6=LX6, RAC=RA, FZ5=FZ50, MRT=MRT, XFR=XF GTR, UFR=UF GTR, FOX=Forumla XR, FO8=Formula V8 //FXR=FXO GTR, XRR=XR GTR, FZR=FZ50 GTR. 12.- /maxguests=20 - Number of guest that can join to your server. 13.- /carsmax=20 - How many cars can be on the track at the same time. 14.- /carshost=1 - How many cars the host can use (real+ai). 15.- /carsguest=1 - How many cars the guest can use (real+ai). 16.- /pps=4 -The number of packets per second transmitted to each racer. (the_angry_angel \o/) 17.- /qual=20 - Qualifying minutes, if you dont want to qualify just put a zero instead 20 (/qual=20). 18.- /laps=10 - Numbers of laps the race will have. Leave "0" zero, for practice. 19.- //hours=24 - If you dont know how many laps you want but you want to race for one hour well you'll have to make this line readable for the server executable so you'll have to remove one "/" like this "/hours=1", because if you leave both "/" the server.exe (LFS.EXE) wont read that line. 20.- /wind=0 - Do You want to have wind on your server? well here are the wind keys: 0=no/1=low/2=high 21.- /dedicated=nogfx - I dont really know what is this. 22.- /vote=no - Can the guest vote to kick or ban a player? yes/no. 23.- /select=no - Can the guest vote to change tracks? yes/no. 24.- /autokick=spectate - Actions to do when a driver is going the wrong way direction (no/yes/ban/spectate). 25.- /rstmin=60 - How many seconds you want the guest to wait until they can vote for a restart when the race is already started. 26.- /rstend=30 - How many seconds you want the guest to wait until they can vote for a restart when the race already ended. 27.- /midrace=yes - If you want guest to join at the middle of the race, well leave it yes. (yes/no) 28.- /mustpit=no - Drivers have to pit during the race? (yes/no). 29.- /start=finish - Race start order. (fixed/finish/reverse/random). 30.- //welcome=welcome.txt - Remember those messages when joining a server? well if you want something like that you have to creat a file with notepad and name it welcome.txt , then you'll have to put it in the folder that you have the LFS Dedi Host instaled. If you have suck txt file well you have to remove one "/" to make it readable to the server.exe(LFS.EXE) just like this "/welcome=welcome.txt" . 200 characteres max. 31.- //tracks=tracks.txt - It's like the "welcome" message but it contains the tracks allowed by the server. If you have such txt file well you have to remove one "/" to make it readable to the server.exe (LFS.EXE) just like this "/tracks=tacks.txt" . tracks.txt info= To make it work you just need to create a plain txt file with the track codes you only want to use on your server, for example lets say you want only the blackwood tracks, then you need to create a txt file with the text: BL in it... then go to your server and try to chose an Aston track, you can't. Additional Notes: [1.- /host= Host - If you leave this by default your server will be called "Host" so if you want your server to be called "Come here and have fun" you'll have to remove "= Host" and replace it with "= Come here and have fun". You'll have something like this: /host= Come here and have fun ] Plus!= If you wanna have a coulored host name you'll have to add this ^ plus a number, if you want your host name to be red well you'll have to do something like this "/host= ^1 Come here and have fun" and thats all. Here are the color keys!: 1=Red, 2=Green 3=Yellow 4=Dark Blue 5=Pink 6=Light Blue 7=White 8=Black ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you'll be able to join to your host by going into your LFS interface and then to multiplayer- Join a specific game- Local game, you'll have to put your local ip adress, server port (63392), and your admin password. Note: You wont see it if you search for it on the game, but the others will see it :) My god making this took me even more time i did think. LOL. I hope it helps you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to add something to this tutorial just send me a pm on lfs forum or send me an email to: mike158@gmail.com (Im guessing you'll want because of my bad english lol). Im there if you wanna chat or race too. :) challenges are welcome :)