A good friend of mine managed to start his dad Golf mk2 GTI (1800-16v) in 5th, from a standstill... the car was an '86, & it torque band starts @ 4600 rpm ...
Oh yea... it gearbox died 4yrs ago (as the clutch)....
In gauges.ini, look for [GEAR] section, at the bottom, set direction=2.
Look for [FONTGEAR] section now, or if there's none, paste this in your .ini & adjust the values to suit your gauges:
[FONTGEAR] POS_X=000.000 POS_Y=000.000 SCALE=1 FONTNAME=(choose a font from the ones you have) FONTSIZE=(choose a size to suit) FONTCOLOR=(use anagauge config.exe to get the color code)
A last throw of ek9-like,
First, FXO gauges 2 variants ("cobalt" & white)...
+ UF1* & XFG.
Also, some various turbo gauges (small pre-release pack).
Have a look to the readme to know how to use them.
If you talk about the in-game gauge in chase view, it seems to be permanent.
To disable/enable ana-gauges one just press del key (you may to insist).
Multiple scale would help a lot to make more difference in the "steps" (would be great for the other gauges also)... but since Redrum stop supporting this addon, we just can wait until someone else take up the developement... or leave with it as it is ...
A funny fact on turbo gauges btw, everytime I make it bigger than 128x128, the needle f*** up ... (using any of the remaining layers won't do the trick, needle can't be larger than 128x128 for turbo only....).
Last edited by 1303s_vortech, .
Reason : some wrong facts...
If you refer to the message about AI fuel's load on a start...
Ai drive like ai, which means they push a car to a certain limit...(auto-gears come in mind mainly).
Et que vive le franglais ... Fuel efficiency, consumption would fit better I guess.
Just keep in minds that the most of us has a plastic bit under the feet...
Let's just say it :
Heavy foot = hardware problem soon ...
(this apply to a button also)...
it need a fuel gauge at least (& why not gears n°), you can work on the alpha channel to give it some transparency...
This kind of gauges for racer is a good base.
By the way, here is one more EK9-like, a try with "cobalt-look".
Don't worry, different look will come soon, there is a bunch more of work needed for some of my next series...
Attachements removed for now, some improvements in the work.
Back soon, apologies.