Hello. I'm looking for input from some good drivers here. I'm wondering if anyone can give me some pointers on how to drive competitively and cleanly when racing really close behind another car. My problem is that I cannot stand using 3rd person view because I'm not a huge fan of the remote-control car feeling. I generally use the in-car view or the front bumper view. This makes knowing where I am on the track very difficult. So, how do others manage this situation without just backing way off, or slamming into the guy in front because you can't see the braking point? I love racing really close but this one issue is driving me mad because I end up having to back way off and make either quick risky inside passes or n00bish draft passes on straights. Thanks in advance.
I would LOVE to open a support ticket! Only, I cant because 500server's main site wont even open. And when it does, there are script errors. But even this only happens 1 in 10 times after waiting at least 2 minutes.
Last edited by 88Reasons, .
Reason : added screenshot
I am server-less today I am, server-less today I am I am,
Im a victim of 500 servers once more,
This has happened 2....times before.
And every time they say maintenance, "MAINTENANCE!!"
Cannot be a virus or a bug "OR A BUG!!!"
Server-less today I'm server-less. Server-less today I am I am.....
There is certainly nothing wrong with the "Process Explorer" method, I guess particularly in terms of folks who are not used to these sorts of things. But personally as a technician of 10 years, I avoid using any 3rd party programs as much as possible. Mostly because I know my way around well enough to where I'm usually faster that way. But also because (not to scare any1) I have had absolute holy-hell nightmares with 3rd party programs in the past. Particularly when they have to do with system processes, hard drive indexing, anything like that. I just find it alot safer in my case to operate as close and cuddly to the OS as possible. Maybe its just the geek and/or self-masochistic side of me.
SVCHOST instances are bundled system processes. Ending task on them is NOT a good idea as many of these individual processes have dependencies underneath them. Vista is a big-time resource hog compared to other OSs, due to the fact that each new feature generally adds at least 1 process (with dependencies) to one or more of your SVCHOST instances. If you really want to get to the root (no pun intended) of the problem, then you need to take a look at the individual system processes that make up these SVCHOST instances. You can do this by running services.msc. The list you see is a list of system processes, their current status, their dependencies, and if/how/when they are set to run. Just keep in mind that if you choose to end a process you are also ending all processes that are dependencies. My suggestion is to go to technet.com and look up each of these processes to determine which ones your system can and cannot do without. When in doubt, dont freikin' touch it! I will say that there is one process that you can almost undoubtedly do without, and that is Superfetch. Its a new feature in Vista that is unnecessary and uses quite a bit of your system's resources. I hope this will be of some help to you. Attached is an example of the services.msc list on my machine (XP), but yours should look similar.
Just wanted to update something here. As of today, it appears maddog finally stopped using our team domain name to promote his team. In all fairness, and to be clear, I should reiterate that he does own the domain name its self, as he did pay for it as a favor for our team. So technically he can do with it what he wants, and from the day he left us up until today he was using it to promote his new team. So anyways, just wanted to be sure I was being fair in updating everyone to the fact that the website issue is solved, aside from the fact that our team is out www.asphalt-warriors.com for at least a year.
Whats so funny about it guys is that he is not even GOOD at his acting. He has the same exact language-pattern, uses the same style of insults, uses a demo account to post about an S2 league/team, on which he "claims" to be a member of. When a quick glance at their forums shows clearly that there are only 2 members, 1 of which he talked into leaving OUR TEAM. Can someone do the math here? But look quick, soon as he sees this he'll be making reg's like crazy on his forum. Its the way he operates. LMAO, what a joke. Its almost entertaining....
Hey guys. Just wanted to say I know I've had some issues with a couple of your guys in the past, (I will not name names because its pointless) because they were coming into my team's server and advertising Xfusion's server. But I just got done posting regarding maddog's attempt at a team, and the mayhem/confusion he has caused mine, and realized that he had done some pretty lame crap to you guys too. Now I'm beginning to wonder if those were even really xfusion guys that did that to us, because it was only a couple of weeks prior to maddog joining us. Anyways, that being considered im trying to look up the bans I made on 2 of your supposed members. So any of you guys are welcome to our server at any time. Cheers.
This guy is trying to screw my team over at the same time. And he even said it verbatim: "My intent is to @*!% your team over to the best of my ability."
He joined our team, bought a domain name, and built a site for us as a "favor". But the he tried to strong-arm me into banning a long-time member of our team because of an argument in our server. I stood my ground, and it all went to crap from there. He now is using the site he created and the domain name he bought with our name to advertise his new "team".(Just go to www.asphalt-warriors.com, go to the forums, and find his post titled "sorry guys") He even left our logos, our info about our FOX league, forms to sign up for the leagues, OUR SERVER DONATION LINK, etc etc. on the site. DO NOT PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION ON THE SITE THAT HE IS SQUATTING ON, THERE IS NO TELLING HOW HE WILL USE IT! Stay far, far away from this creep if you care anything about your team and/or your reputation. That being said, our REAL address is www.asphalt-warriors.webs.com. This guy is in no way associated with our team aside from his own childish fantasies. Its too bad there are people out there like this
Last edited by 88Reasons, .
Reason : Grammar correction
Yeh it did man. And I appreciate your cander. I'm just slightly agitated at some of the n00bish behavior/posts lately. People act like we freikin owe them something. For god's sakes people need to man up/grow up for a change and stop acting like children, thats all. At least thats just my opinion.
Well, I guess its a really good thing that I'm not too concerned with "sympathy on the forum" or being assumed to be "an admin abusing his powers". Again, this is why I dont post often, because apparently there's a bunch of emo-children running around with their hearts on their sleeves just waiting to get sliced. I replied to this idiot's post for two reasons, and that was to point out just how stupid he is (Scroll up and see his stats......jesus.....) and to state my general philosophy of this team, and how/why we manage it the way we do. Im not here for sympathy, to give a motivational speech, or to make the ladies cream their panties. Why? Because I suck at it. But I'm one hell of an admin and I know it. And so are the admins on our team. See you in the server ladies.
Well, thing is that I dont make alot of posts because I see the same crap going on all the time. Some1 makes a post, some1 else replies with something like "well what about this, you didnt say that, what do you mean by this....." etc. And I dont have the patience. So, when I make a post, its well thought out and answers all possible questions/arguments ahead of time. Just makes sense to me. For Christ's sakes all I really wanna do is race. period. Just freikin' RACE. Is that so hard, people? The only reason I started the team was so I could have a server that I could control closely, and ban the morons that make good racing impossible.
Total stats:Travelled distance:287 MlFuel burnt:187 LtrLaps:103Hosts joined:12Races won:0Second:0Third:1Finished:4Qualifications:1Pole Positions:0Drags / Wins:0 / 0
So I guess this guy is quite the expert in "getting around the track".
Hey, moron. First of all, dont come with some crap like this without evidence. Second of all, I've been running this team for a long time and we have been extremely careful with who we allow to be admins. Im not perfect, and they are not perfect. We DO make mistakes but we never, EVER ban somebody just because of a racing incident. However, if you feel this has happened, save the freikin replay and post it. Otherwise, your just starting a bunch of crap for no reason.
That being said, I will be the first to admit that we are probably a little more strict on our server than most. But this is what has helped to make this team and server what it is today. People know that when they come to an AW server, there is almost always an admin keeping a close eye on things, and that if there is a trouble-maker, they are banned quickly, and usually for at least a week. Permanant bans are rare, but they do happen. The only things we will typically ban permanantly for are purpousful crashing, hacking/exploiting, constantly begging for restarts, car/track change, constantly starting arguments, or terribly disrespecting a team member/admin.
I ask all of my admins to save replays when they ban someone, but its not a rule necessarily. So again, if you have an issue, SAVE THE REPLAY and feel free to post it. I will personally review it, and may unban you because again, like I said, WE ARE HUMAN AND WE DO MAKE MISTAKES. Most of our admins and team members are very respectful drivers, and many of us will even move over and give you a free pass at the last second if we feel that we took the position unfairly. We do that ALL THE TIME. We just expect the same respect in return. As for blue flags, this is probably where we are the most strict. Alot of times we will kick some1 who has blue flag, and is showing no intent to move over and let the leaders pass. But this is never done unless multiple text warnings were posted telling the blue-flagger to move over and let the leaders by. This is just common sense, folks. We have great drivers at our server and have extremely close fights/finishes for the lead, and theres no way in hell we're gonna allow a blue-flagger to ruin a good race. Its just not gonna happen.There are other areas in which we actually are NOT as strict as other servers. For instance, with blocking. BLOCK LIKE HELL, being faster than someone is just one part of the equation, ya gotta be able to get by them as well and thats just a part of racing. If you dont like that, then there are TONS of servers who dont allow it. But personally, if I wanna do slot-car racing i'll go spend 5 bucks at the local fair. But its important to remember that there is a big difference between blocking a position during racing conditions, and blocking during yellow flag conditions. If you hit the wall, or otherwise lose alot of speed then moving in front of an advancing driver is not blocking, its crashing. Anyways, I hope this helps to "clear the air" a little on what our standards are at AW, what we expect, and how we run things. See you in the server. w00t!
Hello all. I am a big fan of the CTRA UF-BR server system. Since CTRA is currently down with no known future, I have decided to run UFBRs on my team's server. Our server only has 15 slots, but its better than nothing for all of us UFBR fans out there. Please note that this is in no way an attempt to emulate CTRA, or take advantage of their unfortunate situation. If you plan on trying to make comparisons between our server and the CTRA system, then dont waste your time coming. I am doing this simply because the UFBR server being gone has left a HUGE void in the LFS community in my opinion. I have worked up a quick race rotation, but am open for suggestions. Right now it will run on 10 race rotations. KY2, 4 laps. SO6r, 7 laps. FE1, 7 laps.
I did this kind of quick, honestly just going with the tracks that I enjoy the most in the UFBR. Again, PLEASE let me know what tracks you would like to see, as well as how many laps at those tracks and I will be more than happy to accomadate. Our server name is (AW)AsphaltWarriors. Hope to see you there, and thanks again for your input!
Yeah I was wondering how my team-mates go about adding themselves to my team in LFSW. Me, and like 6 other guys are listed on LFSW as being on our team, but I dont even remember how THAT got done and we have tons of members asking about it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
LOL, well I had never heard of him but I looked him up. Seems like he was quite the nut-case to me. For me, my name is indicative of 88 reasons why Dale Earnhardt Jr is my favorite driver, 88 reasons why his step mom is a thief, and 88 reasons he is going to have a championship cup very, very soon. (His car number is 88 in case you did'nt pick up on that)
Stop in to our server some time!
Hello racers!
First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people for their support. (AW)Killfix and (AW)Smokey for being such awesome co-owners and helping to make and keep this team so tightly-knit and well managed. There is no way this team would be where it is at right now without these two guys, so give them a big thumbs up when you see them around.
Also, thanks to EQWorry for all of his hard work and support with the Airio Tracker system. It is without a doubt the best and most comprehensive tracker out there and has been a god-send for our team! w00t!
Now to introduce everyone to (AW)AsphaltWarriors. We currently have been around for over a year, and have over 50 members. We have 3 servers, 2 of which are mostly for backup, and one of which that is up full time (Thanks, www.500servers.com).
The primary reason for this post is to inform the LFS community of our new schedule. In the past we have randomly switched our primary server between Demo and S2 based on team demand as well as a few other factors. But now we are going to move to a set schedule.
DEMO USERS: Our server will be running BlackwoodGP with the FBM Monday-Thursday all day. Generally this will be 10 minute qualifications, 5 lap races, no pit required. But us admins will switch things up from time to time, so feel free to ask if you want a specific type of race.
S2 USERS: Get ready for some super close 3-wide finishes! Friday-Sunday will be specifically dedicated to Kyoto Ring racing with the F08. Bump-drafting is encouraged as most races will be at least 10 laps with pit required! So pick a team mate or 2 to form a pit strategy and bump draft with! Each night there will be at least 1 race which will be at least 45 laps, possibly 50 so show up ready for some serious strategy!
This schedule will remain in place most of the time, with the only exceptions being for team-events and challenges, which brings me to my next point. We are wide open and willing to take challenges from any team out there! Just post here, let us know you want to get Pwnd by us, and we'll begin working out the details of your demise . Thanks all, and keep racing!
You make it sound as if its not a competitive series, and/or it does not take true talent to race Oval. Which is simply just untrue. Ever noticed that almost every single driver that has come from some road racing series over to NASCAR has failed miserably, rarely managing a top 10 finish? (Castroneves, Montoya, Franchitti, and many others). These guys were just as confused and disillusioned about oval racing as you are. They thought they could come over to ovals and dominate because they have the idea that its just "sooooo easy". Well, every last single one of them was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be wrong, and werent worth the fuel it took to let them turn a single lap. Truth of the matter is, you cannot compare oval racing to any other type of racing. It is a completely different type of race, with its own set of very extreme challenges. As far as choosing what kind of racing you enjoy watching the most, well that is personal opinion. Me, I like watching most road racing events for, oh about the first 15 minutes. But usually after that the racing is so strung out I cant stay awake. I like NASCAR because many, many races end with the top 20 cars all finishing less than 3 seconds from each other from 1st to 20th. L-ASCAR, Keep it up and plan on seeing me in your server! w00t!
Hello all.
Ive been using the Airio tracker on my team's servers for months now. I gotta say it IS the best tracker available. Tons of options, relatively easy to configure, VERY stable, and extremely customizable per connected user. It will no doubt become the best tracker system in LFS. Thanks EQ! Then only thing I can think of that it is missing as of yet is a drift scoring system like Lapper has. But other than that, its great. You also need to be careful if you are running FO8s at Kyoto Ring. Airio has a system to kick people who make "impossible times" to help keep cheaters out. Well, in the F08 at kyoto ring bump drafting can knock seconds off of your time and Airio doesnt like it. But this is configurable per track/car. So you can set what is seen as "an impossible time/speed". Thanks again, EQ! w00t!
Check out (AW)BumpDraftRacing and (AW)AsphaltWarriorsDEMO to see Airio in full action!
Eh, hate to tell ya but thats not correct. I host a server and I can connect to it fine any way I want to. Server browser, join specific, Internet, and/or LAN.