Galvao Bueno, not only his the worst,but the only one, he predents to know stuff, and when make mistakes doesnt correct him self, but when someone does, he goes and keep on making fun of the other guy.
Well his the only commetator, because the Globo (a open channel) bought the right of F1 images on Brazil...
From what i heard so far, I really dont think it would effect the racing guys, like myself. Im kinda going say +1, but only if, its a simple task, because I really wouldnt like to delay Scawen plans, with something that will only affect a minority of people (although i bet there are quite a big amount of drifters on LFS), since its quite obvious that most people race on LFS.
Well for most of my life I used portuguese, but when I went to the US i speaked english only for 11 months, only speaking portuguese once a week for 10-15mins.
Since i got back from the US my english has been going down hill, but i usually speak much much better tham how i write. Writing was never a strong point on me. That was one of the thing my teachers (from highschool) couldnt understand, how could i speak english so well and yet almost fail on english exams (grammar etc etc)
I was thinking about that, what the Devs could do is limit the amount of demo players online at once, lets say 300 demo players at once, that might push them to buy the game, and would somewhat (at least I think) slow the wreckers since they would have to wait a space to join the online games once more.
What a qualy for Massa, I couldnt be happier!! Rubinho did a good job to, i thought he wouldnt go very well on qualy since his practice yestoday wasnt good.
I honestly hope that ferrari wont do that same that they did with Rubens,where he had to let MS pass. If they do, since this time is with a brazilian again, and on Brazil, i doubt they will get out of here without a scrach
Its amazing how you [noobs] can make a topic go off topic so quickly!!!. You guys should be banned from LFS!!! Specially with that name.
Th, what i want is a correction to my post, to my writing, it isn´t something that i can ask you quickly on the msn. I need to know how is the structure of my texts, spelling and stuff like that. Unless you want me to write you some essays I dont think you can help me much from the msn.
Well for online play, its one license per player, so 2 computers can´t be online at once with the same license.
Now, for offline play I think you can have up to 3 computers to play on lan, I´m not 100% sure if its 2 or 3 computers.
BTW: S3 is not coming out for a long time, S2 inst even finish. Even if you only buy LFS when S3 is out, the price will be the same, if you pay now you have 2 advantages on my view:
1. You will only pay £24 now for S2 and when S3 is out you would had to pay a nother £12 for s3.
2. If you buy S2 you can have loads of fun with LFS now, enjoy all the cars and tracks LFS has, and have many better races with S2 people, wich unlike the demo there are rarely wreckers.
To me is only a gain-gain situation. But its only up to you.
Well the main thing is, you can´t be 100% sure if the person is a cracker or not, unless he admmit it. Sure there a enormous amounts of exuses one person can use, but even if it is a lie, we could only guess its a lie on most cases, wich usually end with the person been flammed without a consitent proof that the person is a cracker.
I know i hate too see people cracking the game, but really there is nothing elso to do other tham report that person, flamming that person is not going to help. Even if you do have a proof that the person cracked the game, why not instead of flamming, let the thread die, and let the correct people handle it?
Would be possible to Sony, or who ever does the GT series, make a table physics? So when a car understeer it would choose between X types of understeer. Same goes for everything elso.
If they do this, would the game feel better, or would it feel worst? And is this even possible for console games?
Well the tittle says it all basicly, 2 things that i need help with. THe first one is quite simple, what is the lastest season and episode of TG? I tried find out, but i came up with a few different anwsers.
Secondly is helping me with english, im doing a big exam in a about a month or so, and i think i make too many grammar/spelling mistakes. So if its not to ask to much i would like you guys to correct me when im wrong, either pm or the thread i posted, since i dont post much around i´ll try to post more, no spam, i´ll try my best not to spam
Im asking this here, as this is my last resorce, i tried an english school, but since i dont have a never took any english classes, they wont accept me as a experienced english level, although i lived in the US for 1 year, so i would have to start from the begining, wich wont help me, since i have the exam in about a month..
Here is the video of the h2 breaking the steering arm, you can hear it crack.
I dont really like the h2, its to damn ugly,unfuctional,not economic, it just sucks.
LOL th, didint know that.. sorry for the spam, just to make this post usefull
Yeah, you wont regret buying s2, its a whole other world here, of course there is the t1 crashes but, i never ever seen a crasher in s2 servers. BTW if you do buy, kiss goodbye ur social life
too bad to see you leaving Vic, you help been always very helpfull when i had troubles in the past. Good to know that you will be somewhat around.
My best whises to what ever you plan to do next!!