yes I noticed no shadows there too -although I'm new to LFS and didn't know if they existing before or now (only used LFS in the dk2 )
monitor setup disconnected now
I much prefer using the in-sim wheel now I use VR although I have a fab sim wheel with pro display etc (obviously this was what I looked at when using monitors) it's so nice to have a change!
that looks pretty bad, no I do not have this,
I am running at very high fps though,
what is your fps?
turn off AA and anything else you can just to eliminate anything that could be slowing your PC down,
I also assume you read and followed the setup (for LFS - dk2 ) instructions completely
does your PC run quick & pretty much trouble free otherwise?
sometimes I need to re-instate mine to keep everything super slick
(re-install windows fresh)
check to make sure LFS speed is running glitch free on your monitor just to eliminate any strange software conflicts
does your dk2 run the desk config demo without this problem -If it does then we know there isn't a rift hardware fault
be good if the next patch could simply allow unlimited fps cap
eg not limited to 100
I use uncapped (it seems to run at 333.3fps) but suspect that 151fps cap might be a good cap for me
-based on cap experiments with Iracing on different monitors in the past
121fps cap for 120hz & 181fps cap for 60hz always worked & felt the very best for me
sorry to sound as though on top of the total fantastic LFS - dk2 support there is a request lol
the desk config demo always work 100% -I assume this is working on yours?
I fiddled with different modes etc -then nothing worked so I reverted back to what I thought was the basic settings then suddenly some started to work including LFS (so I've not touched settings since) I'm referring to mainly nvidia control panel -extended monitor - both resolution HD (check rift is 75hz)
in rift config it's in extended mode
the rift software is still a tad sentimental it just takes some fiddling
(then leave it alone once you have working what you want to work)
it was really about 6hrs in the first evening of receiving my rift until got it going like it is now & still not entirely sure what it is I did ?!%#?!
a big thanks for the update, it's nice for them to keep coming
the replay system last I can watch replays -thanks
I see you've done it this way to get implementation out quickly but it works totally fine, it's like watching a cinema screen
full spectator mode I guess is something different and would take a lot more
just one thing it's nice to have the 3d depth slider for the replay screen
is it a good idea to have this for driving too? or is there a particular 3d depth standard for the rift (that's suppose to match natural real world 3d) ???