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S3 licensed
Good luck with team Tomba.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :What, seriously? I must have forgotten, silly me
Back in the days I did KY1,BL1 and some FE layouts. Takumi did some KY1 layouts aswell that were used most of the time, while the FE layouts were made of me if I remember right. We also had some Aston stuff, and I guess you was the one making those right? Just correct me if I am wrong, my memory is like a goldfish

bl2,as1... Well i also forgot
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Not to mention the layouts there were mine, but np, they now got permission to use what they want

Not too mention i gave u most of layouts.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :Don't doubt it if you want to join, we are normal people, just like you.

u sure?
S3 licensed
Thats indeed good news
S3 licensed
Quote from Pilchje3369 :

I dont mean to flame but really what idiots are running this team?? I know alot of people in LFS dont like cruise and may not like LTC but still wont ban teams etc for having them on there servers

The thing is Hayward is big noob,he was cruising on old lc and he love it how admins have power there over noobs, so he wanna to do it too. But like others said, just wait and look how he will fail.
S3 licensed
Quote from Amynue :Who did sent you this PM?

S3 licensed
Quote from Velociround :
I'm crying now.

Guys, let's all tell our parents how much we love them. Hug them, kiss them. Because they surely do love us. They're very important in our lives, and we'll miss them a lot if they're gone.

I love my parents.

Tnx for sharing this!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :Hackers? Hacked? Let me explain in a bit more details so it's clear: You can tell this is the forum insim that has been just slightly changed. And on the forum insim everyone knows that when you sell all your cars and reconnect the insim stalls while trying to get your cars(since there aren't any) and it doesn't add you as a connection, because it stalls before the row Connections.Add(XXX)... This means that the insim will think that you are the host, but it will accept your commands and even return private messages to you as the server knows who you are and sends your ID to the insim.
The problem is mainly because the cars are kept in a string like "XFG XRT ETC" and kept in a text file in the following way "Cars = XFG XRT" and the insim cuts this "Cars = XFG XRT" from the " = " part if I'm not lying to myself and if there is nothing on the other side, it throws out an exception(bug report) which causes the program to stop at this place and process the exception. This is why on some servers you can't sell UF1 or XFG and on others you can't sell any car.
The host as a connection on the insim is an administrator, meaning it can accept commands like !refund and !kick if they exist.
I may have posted some wrong info too, since as I said, I haven't done any complicated investigations, but all on all it's all coming from the place where the stats of the user are being processed, and if it bugs up when you sell all your cars then the place where the user's cars are being processed is the problematic place.

I wouldn't call it hacking as all you have to do is use the sell command and reconnect. Functions that aren't restricted and nobody has told you _not_ to use them or to use them in a specific way.
If you have some basic knowledge in coding you can understand this and you can find a solution very quick as this can be avoided in many ways.

Ty for this explanation
S3 licensed
I just got this pm:

Private Message: Hacker Yesterday, 23:04 - matze54564
S2 licensed

Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 245

U are just a Hacker, u hacked the new LC, what a work, be ashamed.

WTF???? I came there to check how hayward changed the look of forum insim to look of lc insim, got refunded like 500000000, send the money to two friends and then got baned. So dont send my pms u idiot.
S3 licensed
Quote from hazaky :just dont play there ... It will close down again and im 100% sure. Pointless waste of time. If u do, dont tell me that i didnt warn u

S3 licensed
Another fake copy
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :I think that was the most famous layout I ever made.

Well thank you, i will make sure you get credits for it on our server. And btw layout is epic!!!
Driftwars Promo video
S3 licensed

This video was done for promotion of our server 42D Driftwars. Video is done by Fntz, so all the credits goes to him. Pls tell what you think about the movie.
S3 licensed
Great movie Kristi. Alyways fun to see u drifting
S3 licensed
I get bored of watching after 30 secs, nothing new in there. And realy bad music choise lol.
S3 licensed
I had real good laugh reading what xerxes writed on their site, like drivers and developers are to blame that he is closing server lol. The only reason lc is closing is that lc crew is bunch of noobs who cant hanlde pressure. It happened before and now it happened again. And xerxes pls dont reopen it in 6 months...
S3 licensed
Quote from evilgeek :this thread is proof that LFS is dead

Haha, i thought same when i read this thread.
S3 licensed
Arox allready did that layout, called bridgewars.
S3 licensed
Lol mrt nice idea. We usualy have drifted up there
S3 licensed
We made couple more but they r private
S3 licensed
Quote from HL_Nano :Where is the layout?

It was on server but i remove it. It was a mistake uploading it I didnt excpect u guys gonna edit it. We made no finish line for a reason, cuz we didntz want it and objects was totaly full. And btw we finish 2 more, similiar ones, but im sure not uploading it here.. So for real my last layout here.And can pls some mod lock or delete this thread.
Last edited by Ales_M, .
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :New layout with a finish line, World Record set by Gil in a UF1 32.22

We said no editing, can u pls remove that layout?