In real life, i'm considering to buy a Lancer Evo or a Gt Four ST205. So i'm taking information about these cars and i've discovered that the cars with transverse mounted engine can't send more than 50% of the torque to the rear wheels. Longitudinal mounted engine like Subaru and Skyline GT-R could.
I don't know if it is a bug but I found something :
Start a race with AI,
Make some laps, press ESC and click on "replay" or press 1,
Quit the replay and go to the replay menu
Watch a few seconds of your replay press ESC and click on "Test Drive"
You can drive the car but the AI will not move an inch
With new 178.24 WHQL drivers framerate is normal (~340fps in westhill, ~180 in South city - 8800gt 256mb, [email protected], 2Gb pc6400, 1440*900, AFx16, AAx8)