Don't worry, Fel is pulling the IP's and they are going to match to forum accounts,
and it isn't hard to open two different browsers and have two different names in the same chat, besides whether you was a different name or not you was still being offensive under brt900 name.
Buy some nice new clothes, go out with mates to a club, drink, do some crystal meth, break down a few walls, meet a nice girl, go to hers, sleep, wake up, run away, get home, shower, put on new clothes and then eat breakfast.
Then in-game go onto the car selection screen and to the left click 'New Colours' then choose the correct skin from the list,
although for other people to see your skin you need to upload it on and click 'My Online Car Skins' to upload.
I understand about the not paying attention you should be drinking and having fun etc, but just didn't want people to think that fake AMB was me anyway PM sent