1. Respect Yellow Flag !
- Don't know what this means? I will explain : The yellow or “caution” flag is used to signify trouble on the racetrack which may include wrecks,or any other dangerous condition on the racetrack. 2. Respect Blue Flag !
- Don't know what this means? I will explain : This flag is used by corner workers around the track to signal a driver that a faster car is approaching. The driver being flagged has no obligation to do anything other than be alert, maintain the racing line and avoid intentionally obstructing the faster car. 3. Use mirrors !
- This is pretty simple. All you have to do is to look into the mirrors. 4. Use Left View , Right View !
- This is pretty simple too. All you have to do is to set the proper buttons for left and right view and then USE them. 5. Do NOT crash in T1 ( First Turn ) !
- You don't win the race if you go hard in T1. 6. Don't intentionally crash other racers !
- The rule says all, pretty simple eh? 7. Do NOT cut PIT Lines !
- This is pretty simple too ! All you have to do is to watch the pit line , and exit the pit without cutting it. 8. In case of Tet-a-queue !
- In case of tet-a-queue , you MUST let the others to pass you untill there is no one in your back. 9. In case of clutch overheat or other problems !
- In case of clutch overheat or other any problems , if you can't move DON'T stay there ! Shift - S immediately ! 10. It's your responsability to avoid any crashes !
if in my league there are some disconnects .. the program calculates the points with the disconnects? or calculates from when the driver reconnected again