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LFS Photomode Competition Round 74 Voting: Radio Controlled Cars
S2 licensed

This weeks theme was... "Radio Controlled Cars".

You have one vote that you can use. You can vote for anyone, but not yourself. The votes where people vote for themselves will not be counted, but taken off in the end.

The winner will be the person with the most votes.

Voting Closes at 22:30 UTC on Sunday 7th October 2010

The entrants were:


High Res


High Res




High Res

S2 licensed
Final Entry!

Went the lazy way this time, so there are quite noticeable mistakes, but I didn't have more time to take this more seriously.

S2 licensed
Skiper and Richy - Hot stuff!
Rocklan - Sorry, I don't like them. Don't use lens flare and if you do, then delete those circles in the picture + don't use that weird lightning effect, looks bad. Check for some tutorials on the internet and you will learn pretty fast to make nice colors and play with the lighting, contrast etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Please don't take this too seriously, it's from 2008


Quote from FireMike15 :
2.1 The length of the video which is determined, is not to overdraw +10% at any time and any cases!
5. Videos of an old time period or you already used aren't allowed.

Hmm, you haven't read the rules, have you?
S2 licensed
More entries, please!

Cool picture, skiper. Looks nice! But you shouldn't have used the low-res skin on the XRT.
Delis, also pretty cool, your idea is good, but the result is not that good. Mostly because of the shadow of the car.

I'll make mine tomorrow, if I have time.
S2 licensed
Quote from JazzOn :Oh, you see something else wrong?

No, I don't. You understood it wrong.

BTW, Tazka, that skin is smoking hot. Great job!
S2 licensed
Yep, I don't see what is wrong at the places he is pointing out. Of course it can't be 100% the same because this is LFS and we have different cars. For ex. When I make replicas, I sometimes even change logos or change something a bit, but the main idea stays the same usually.
S2 licensed
Quote from Litro :Yep, for Firefox it doesn't work, but using Internet Explorer it works

No, I use Firefox, it works for me.

Don't know if I will enter this week since I don't have too many replays with crashes, but maybe I'll find some.
S2 licensed
"This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled."

But even going through the video without the music, found it kinda boring, sorry to say. I'm no good myself in editing, but it felt like I'm watching a replay. So many default angles, default colors, almost no effects etc.

IMO, if it's something like presenting the team and making a promotional video, then you should have asked someone experienced because it's not just a video, but it makes somehow an opinion about the team and this didn't make too much good thoughts. You should have practiced a bit and then make a video that would leave a good impression about the team.

But good luck in future.
S2 licensed
Quote from pascal12lolo :i dont make the red bull suit and farrari and the mclaren the other i make

First you said you made them all, now you are saying you haven't made 3, next you will be saying you haven't made any. Why do you post the ones you haven't made then?
Quote from pascal12lolo :i am ****ing 15 not 10

You act like 10, your profile says you are 20, but you are 15...
Quote from pascal12lolo :and give coments on my site if you dont like

Are you advertising your website here or showing your skins? + You probably meant don't give comments.

Anyway, I don't really care how old are you and how good is your website, so let's stop off topic, but just remove the skins that you haven't done and stop posting other people stuff, is that so hard to get?
S2 licensed
Quote from pascal12lolo :I can put on my site what i want

Khmm, no you can't if it's not yours and you haven't asked permission to use something, so REMOVE all the L4P skins or don't post the link here anymore. I hate people like you taking other stuff and claiming as your own + there is no way you are 20, you are more like 10.

+ I don't believe you made those suits, you only made them look very low-res.