i just started to try this program and it works ok but im having trouble with getting it on the 2nd monitor and looking right. when i click on it to drag it to other monitor the gauges go out of the window.
dont have a card i can borrow from anyone but XFX told me this,
[BRIAN 11/17/2008 8:27:00 PM] Hi James, thanks for the message and it sounds like the card is faulty. For proceeding with RMA service on this card, please verify your card`s serial number has been registered through our website. Indicate if you are using any features (if supported by your card) such as SLI. Please confirm that there have been no modifications to the card’s physical appearance or any unauthorized firmware/BIOS flashing. Also confirm that we have your full name, best shipping address for receiving a delivery with signature required (no PO Boxes allowed for our FedEx shipments) and telephone number posted in your Customer Profile online. Thanks, Brian.
its not overclocked. i have uninstalled chipset drivers, graphics driver, then ran driver cleaner pro and nasty file remover then reinstalled the chipset driver (15.23_nforce_winxp32_international_whql) and graphics driver (178.24_geforce_winxp_32bit_english_whql). Still having some trouble with something not installing. I dont even know what it is that isnt installing, windows cant find a driver for it.
still acting weird and showing crazy block effects on the desktop.
pic of device manager attached.
Tried playing Obivion with Rivatuner hardware monitering running, the graphics went funny and screen went black, was able to get back to desktop and see that video card temp was at 61C, i also got this message when i closed the game
Last edited by AnyBodyKilla, .
Reason : tested playing Oblivion
GeForce Release 178 WHQL Version:178.24 Release Date:October 15, 2008
still have the same problems and if i restart it the Bios and POST screens have corruption.
I think its getting too hot, its still under warranty, less then 6 months old, so i put in a support ticket with XFX maybe they will fix or replace it.
Follow these steps to solve the problem with a video device driver
You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused Windows to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer. Solution
Windows Update Note
If Microsoft Update is installed, you'll be taken to the Microsoft Update website.
Click Custom to check for available updates.
In the left pane, under Select by Type, click Hardware, Optional. Select the updates for a video device driver, click Review and install updates, and then click Install Updates.
If there are no updated drivers listed on Windows Update, we recommend you contact the manufacturer of the video card for additional support. Let them know that you received an error for a video device driver and ask if product updates are available.
If there are no updated drivers on Windows Update and you don't know the name of the video card manufacturer, we recommend you contact your computer manufacturer for additional information and support. How do I find my computer manufacturer (OEM)? Click Start, click Run, type msinfo32, and then click OK. Your computer OEM is listed as the System Manufacturer in the right pane of the System Information window. Click to go online to see cont ... st computer manufacturers
Screenshot of a properly configured Logitech G25 wheel, using specific game profile made for LFS. (If you have Logitech MOMO, nevermind the "degrees of rotation" setting).
Open up your Logitech Profiler and then the FFB (Force Feedback) settings window: either "Options" - "Global Device Settings" or if you are using game profiles "Edit" - "Specific Game Settings". Suggested settings are these (also shown in the screenshot):
Overall Effects Strength - Set to 101-105% (101% is good value). Due to problems inside the Logitech Profiler the FFB only starts to act linearly when set over 100%. You can always fine tune the level of FFB in LFS's Options > Controls or you can adjust it "on the fly" while driving with the FFB (Force Feedback) shortcut keys.
Spring Effect Strength - Set to 0%. It is Logitech driver based effect and practically LFS does not need this (confirmed by the game developer).
Damper Effect Strength - Set to 0%. It is Logitech driver based effect and practically LFS does not need this (confirmed by the game developer).
Enable Centering Spring / Centering Spring Strength - Uncheck the box (disable it) and set it to 0%.
Report Combined Pedals - Uncheck this option. Enabling this only gives you one pedal axis, meaning you can't use brake and throttle pedals properly. So disable it.
These settings should work on all Logitech wheels. The settings in the Logitech Profiler might slightly differ from these instructions depending on your wheel model.
i tried this program and it crashs as soon as i leave a garage, no error message just says report to microsoft or dont report.
I also lose my forcefeedback on my g25 too. have to restart game to get FF back.