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yet another 'wish list'
S3 licensed
I'm somewhat new to s2 but i've already noticed the community is great.
I've also read the suggested improvements (the log, most of the threads' titles, and what i've been actually intersted in reading about) and of course there are many i'd give a + and many i'd give a -, as anybody would. I know you can't satisfy everybody, so i can only wish the things i'd like are also wanted by enough people so we'd actually see (some) of them implemented.

LFS is great BUT you can notice it's NOT made as a product you buy play and forget. And imo that's a good thing. Take the NFS games. Whatever EA wants to throw, people buy, play and sooner or later forget. Doesn't matter they took out physical damage in NFS6 and totally removed it in later games, only visual damage coming back in the NFS:Carbon. Not much to do about it than complain. It's obviously getting aimed at the arcade racers that just want eye candy, and let's face it, that kind of game DOES sell. Feels to me LFS isn't that kind of game.
Also you can't compare outsourcing (or a lot of people at least) to a few of people working on a project. Thus my suggestion would be to allow the community to contribute not only by making suggestions. I've noticed there are a lot of very usefull user made software/additions. Why not 'take advantage' of this?

Let me give you an skins (paintjobs). In theory you can simply copy the default skin, open it in paint, draw some lines and you've got your own (more or less crappy) skin. But i stumbled upon master skinners' kits ( Imo, that's a GREAT thing those guys did. Creating a good skin is simply easier. Creating a lot of crappy skins is also easier, but you don't have to use them. Anyway, i think everybody agrees it's a great thing you can upload your skin and others can see it. There will always be nasty coloured cars, but that's nothing compared to the great number of awesome paintjobs i've noticed.

I'd like to point out my favourite NFS game: NFS Porsche. Best physics in all the NFS series (imo at least). Main problem? Only porsches. Not long after the release talented coders made software that unpacked the paintjobs to something you can edit and packed them back to a file the game could read. You guess what happened: loads of awesome skins, loads (but fewer) awfull ones. Simple solving: don't download, don't use.
Short remark: you could only tune the downforce, toe-in/toe-out, suspension stiffness, gear ratio and tyre pressure iirc.
Next, a .sim editor was created. The sim file would be something like the .set file, only it also contained the default height of the springs, default damper settings, power output of the engine and a lot of stuff i forgot.
The game offers a list of parts that modify those default values when added to the car (for example car weight, engine power, etc.) but you could only tune a few of those parameters.
As soon as this simeditor was created, people started modifying the in-game cars and, along with the paintjobs, some GREAT new cars were created. Of course a whole lot of BS was also created.
If you've read this far, you might want to search for 'nfs cars' on your favourite search engine and check out some of the websites. Problem was, still only porsches.
In autumn 2006 a great guy (i can't remember his name) managed to 'crack' the code of the 3d models of the cars. I'm not sure if there's an editor out, but anyway, it didn't take long for Skylines, STI-s, EVO-s, Camaros, Corvettes, Vipers, Ferraris (and mostly anything that comes to mind) to be available. Same solution for the whole heap of crap: don't download.
Yes, i loved that game and i'm not ashamed to admit it.
Let's go back a bit now to NFS:High Stakes. Not long after its release there was a software called carcad (similar to autocad, yes) available that allowed anybody with a bit of knowledge to create a car from scratch. Great cars with high enough poly count to look very good but still low enough not to just sit and watch it spin in the garage were very soon created. I'm not sure if there ever was a way to create new tracks, but i guess there was.
Anyway, what i'm trying to point out is that the modding community contributed a LOT and i do mean a LOT to those games.
You might be thinking i'm a NFS fan that's in the wrong place, but i'm just doing my best to support my opinion.Here's (yet) another example...
Just in case any of you played any game of The Elder Scrolls series, you definetly know how the modding community can improve a game.
If you didn't, think of any single player RPG game. I've really 'felt' the modders contribution while playing TES4:Oblivion. The producers released minor add-ons at minor prices (5$ or so iirc) but a version of those was already available in different forms for free, thanks to 'people that have too much spare time'. To put it simple, their major quest add-on contains a simple and rather boring set of dungeons that, when completed, give a not-so-worth-the-money-and-time reward. On the other hand, there are a lot of player-made quests that are a lot more interesting to complete and that actually give you a feeling of satisfaction when you complete them.
This thread should've been named 'simple opinion with an afwully long support' .
Let me go on (with supporting) now by commenting on some suggestions from the log (

Just imagine there's a way to edit the cars for example. In one week there will be 500 new cars available, most of which are not worth the time to look at. But there might be 10 or at least 1 that would be a great addition. Imo, if there would be at least 1, the purpose is achieved.
Look at the cars we'd want...karts, dragsters,trucks, baja bugs, diesel, rotary, soon somebody will post three-wheeled (bikes is already there).
Well, somebody somewhere will take the time to create these. Now, along with this, a nice feature for the server (host) would be to:
1. use add-on cars in multiplayer.
2. allow the players that joined to download it (think of the skin feature)
3. restrict usage to a set of cars (this would allow 'pure' servers to continue existing).

For example i don't agree with having bikes, i can't imagine how i'd drive a bike with a steering wheel, seems funny to me. No problem, i don't download and install any bike (or maybe just for fun) and never ever join a server that runs bikes.

The same goes for tracks. I for example would love to have rally stages (going from point A to point B type), along with rally cars, and in multiplayer the server option to enable/disable collision. Suppose we could edit the cars/tracks, after a while there would be some very good quality tracks and cars available, leaving the decision of which to use to the hosts.
This would very probably somehow split the community into grip racers, drifters, dragsters, rally-ers,... .
If this would be possible, then the devs could focus on the most important things: damage, weather, daylight (that could turn into night during a 24h moe race ), track surfaces (ice), and why not something that i thought was already in: after enough laps and rubber on the road you 'd have more grip on the optimum line. And on anything else on that suggestion log.

One might say there will be a lot more requests then, but i think that will only happen at the beginning.
For example,a few things that are already posted, but that i'd bet would come up anyway:
-locked diffs (requested for rally stages)
-button to toggle diff lock (rally stages)
-false start option(drag racing for the least)
-adjustable and/or on button rev limiters (drag racing)
-server option to disable collision (rally stages, drift races, opponents could be ghost cars)
-server option to force a setup or only allow some modifications
-along with the forced setup, the 'push-to-pass' (server enabled) would suddenly become a nice thing to have too.

I guess i've said too much already ...i'm putting on my flame-proof pants, egg and tomato protection helmet and pressing 'submit'.
Last edited by apo3d, .
S3 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :
you can save multiplayer replays when you press "2", or did you mean when you are not IN the server? in this case the answer is no

no, i meant when i JOINED a server (i'm not THE server), so thanks for the tip .
also thank you guys for asnwering my question(s).
S3 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :the reason for this might be that they are not experienced in public racing. They are used to driving in leagues against guys with similar pace, who won't take a corner unexpectedly slow.

That i totally agree with. BUT when you enter a server with, hm, let's say 'new&bronze' in the name (just a wild thought), would you really expect the fellow racers to be less than one second away from the wr? Honestly when i first...*cough*...if i'd join such a server i'd expect it to be full of 'aliens' .

Here's another question for the guys that really know the rules and can or are marshalls for a league:

i had written the whole race here but thought it would've been too boring. so long story short...
i've got a hotlapper behind me while i'm 1 lap ahead, so if he passes he'd be blue flagged. he's allowed to try to unlap himself, right? But although his laptime is faster, seems my total is better. So i decide not to act like -i- had the blue flag, and go on like he wasn't there. He tried barging past on a chicane but my line forced him to hit the tires. come that's my fault and i'm the idiot that doesn't know what blue flag means? . If it matters, i did finish the race in the top5, he didn't finish at all.
Question would be: he's allowed to un-lap, but is it ok if i fight him like i was fighting for position?

Btw, is there anyway i can save a multiplayer race when i'm not the server?
S3 licensed
Quote from fujiwara :Do you really mean this literally ?
Because most of the times when i'm following a car i expect him to brake at some place, ex:close to 100m, when the car in front is about to brake, i'm already braking, but if you brake at the 150m mark, chances are that i wiil bump into you, just because i wasn't expecting you to brake so soon.

Should i review my racing behavior?

in my opinion, unless you know the other driver's style, you should take into account the fact that he might drive in a different way than you do. if i have a white spot on my tire and the tread is thin, i usually brake earlier just so i don't have to apply full brake and thus i avoid a flat.
S3 licensed
Quote from keiran :I'd say about 80% of the people I've raced in public races just let you drive by. Usually in a full server there is about maybe 3 people who fight a bit harder.

Well, you must be one of the few that actually like the challenge. I usually try to hold on to my position no matter if the car behind me is obviously faster (if i'm not under the blue flag of course) and honestly simply keeping close to the optimum line does hinder the other car. But most of the time i did this i either get rear-ended rather badly, either get barge-passed which leads to the other hitting my front side, messing up my suspension. Main problem is i am afterwards blamed for not letting the other guy pass illepall. Well, i thought i was actually supposed to fight, but this kind of behavior made me let pretty much anybody go. So you can say i'm actually scared.

I've noticed i'm not the only 'scared' one, on south city i got behind a car that had crashed then repaired (or maybe had joined late, or something), and i was about to lap it. But even he is blue flagged, i don't bother passing on chicanes or on tight turns, i usually wait for a turn exit or a straight (that's where i let others pass at least) because it's too risky. He was in a good condition for racing (i mean he had no visual damage), yet the poor guy was so scared of the blue flag he actually slowed down so much on a few turns and almost stopped just to let me by. He actually hindered me a lot more by doing this. This is obviously a lack of experience in racing and too much 'hotlapping'. Seems to me a lot of guys can't drive the whole track, just that optimum line. If guys like this would go on a track day with a slower car, what would they do? Go 50 km/h countinuously signalling they noticed the other car?
One more thing, I'm starting to get bored of the 'BLUE FLAG BLUE FLAG **** OFF!' even when there's no blue flag involved.
S3 licensed
I'd call myself a Newbie (not noob) since my s2 licence is quite fresh and i'm still learning new tracks and cars (so called combos as i have recently learned). Now let me tell you a bit of what i've learned so far.

Since the chances are i'm slower than most of the people on the server, i don't rush to t1 and leave anybody that started behind me get past by using the hazard lights and going as close to the side of the road as possible.

You might say i'll end up finishing last but that shouldn't be an issue, i assume most of the drivers know the combo, probably have a good setup and are several seconds faster than me.
BUT here comes the fun part. T1 crashes sometimes get me in the middle of the pack. That's something interesting to notice if you ask me.

After that, the hotlappers start catching up to me. Now, as i'm still learning , i might brake sooner than what you're used to. Anyway, soon enough someone is behind me just before a turn. At first i've tried getting off the gas at first and then just braking progressively,slowly,so whoever is behind me notices me slowing down. This is exactly what i do in RL if i get an idiot stay right behind me.
Fortunately, most of the time i manage to get the car to slow down enough so i can take the turn safely and maybe not slow down the one behind me as much. Unfortunately, so many times i've been literally blown away into the dirt and called names.
Ok, let's say it's my fault i don't play singleplayer until i know every track perfectly and won't slow down someone. But honestly the AI isn't much of a challenge (btw, i know the ai is learning , but i'd be a lot happier if it would start smarter. the first time i set up the ai to PRO i was expecting quite a challenge).
Back to the topic now...after i get back on the track, during a 10+ laps race i usually manage to pass the one that blew me away while he's on a sandtrap somwhere flaming somebody else about not giving him way.
Guess what now. Race ends, say i'm on 10 out of 19 and 3 or 4 of the guys behind me their best lap 3-5 seconds faster. Somebody's signature "I might be slower but i'm still ahead of you" is the only thing that comes to mind.
Next thing i wanted to say...
Quote from Gimpster :
One thing I do to train myself and others is once I am the victom of an incident I will usealy catch back up to the slower drivers and practice close racing with them. i know I can out brake them and have more control so I can race closer and learn to anticipate their moves which is good for training the reflexes. It also has the benifit of showing the slower/newer driver some close hard and fun racing, lets them experance some pressure and most often they thank you for the great race afterwords.

Maybe it was you, maybe somebody else(i tend to do the same if i feel like it) but this happened to me. Well at first i thought it was someone who's faster but knows squat about passing and i tried to let them by. At first i was slowing down a LOT and finally saying "!??!?!", until i got the reply "just go already". . Racing is totally different from driving. The only 'racing' i've done in RL is drag racing with street cars. To be sure i don't get misunderstood, a bunch of friends meet up and just have fun with 90-110hp cars (cars) on a straight lane. Well , this was different , in a good way. You're right,i learned a lot from that race.This kind of behaviour should be encouraged. Also, the most interesting thing -pressure pushes you to make mistakes-. Simply being close behind somebody that could be faster if alone makes him brake very late, lock-up tires, spin around at turn exit, lots of interesting stuff.

Now, if you've read all that, you might consider answering my question. and RL etiquette states:
If you are being lapped by a faster car: The car behind you is consistently faster than you and has managed to travel one more lap than you have. He is about to overtake you and the blue flag is displayed to warn you of his presence. In this case you are hindering his progress and must allow him to pass you as soon as it is safe to do so (you can't be expected to yield while negotiating a chicane or high speed corner) Hold your line don't fight the other car, do not make any sudden movements left or right, ease off slightly and let him pass. He is a lap ahead of you and you are not fighting him for position. You must not hold him up.

Now, as i've seen in FIA GT and as it seems logical (to me) this would actually mean you STAY on the racing line ("(you can't be expected to yield while negotiating a chicane or high speed corner) Hold your line don't fight the other car") and let him past on a straight. This is logical because if you expect the other car to go out of the racing line, you wouldn't know if 1. he WOULD let you past, or 2. which way would he go. Now, why do people stay behind me and flash their lights and most of the time spamming 'blue flag blue flag get lost' when i STAY on the line and go slower? Is there a rule i didn't read that states otherwise?
S3 licensed
. after i finally managed to tell my internet provider that it's not working at all, it seems to be all in vain as i cannot even spectate. i keep dropping out of the server. well, guess this night wasn't meant to be. . oh well, maybe some other time.g`luck, i'll keep an eye out for the standings / replays .
S3 licensed
Quote from zeeaq :Hmmm...If (by any chance) you are saying this because you think the rest of us are very fast, then don't worry . As far as I know, the only alien among us is Koolby .

Just take part for the sheer pleasure of racing in a properly organized event ( I am really sick of those 5 lap races on demo servers )

Hoping to see you there.Good luck.

Well, that is the reason. It's not only the sprints i'm sick of, i'm sick of things like player 'nonamed' crashes by his own error then spams for restart or even crashes the leader just so the race would restart. This kind of behavior makes a 5 lap race last very long (including the 1000 restarts).
I've read the CRC rules, i still have some questions un-answered, but at least i'm driving (not racing yet :shy somewhat like i would in real life.
I just hope i have a good ping to the server .
S3 licensed
i must be illepall but count me in
S3 licensed
i use another firewall besides the Windows' default, and both of them allow the game to connect.
It's not a firewall issue as the game can connect to the master server, but it cannot retrieve the list of games.I could also create an internet game but i didn't stay long enough for someone to join...i've just checked to see if it's possible.
S3 licensed
thanks for the keys ! next question now: how can i assign the (signal lights and/or) hazards to the wheels buttons?
joining help
S3 licensed
do i need a routable ip to join games? i get the error message 'no reply from master server' when waiting for the list of games.
S3 licensed
how about the hazard lights? (left and right signal lights at the same time). would be useful especially during online racing to show that i'm about to pit, or that my car is damaged, or that i'm going slow (and all at once of course)
S3 licensed
well, what about the brake help? isn't that some sort of abs? if you're playing by keyboard it can help you a lot.
S3 licensed
disable auto-brake while pitting - so i could leave the pits with only three wheels or set something on fire if i leave while refuelling.
this would give a purpose to the handbrake.
and speaking of the handbrake, it would be nice to be able to configure the power of the handbrake (s1 style, why was this removed?).
S3 licensed
umh i can't really try the drag strip yet, but this makes me wonder...if i tailgate someone, does that improve my fuel consumption and reduce my aerodinamic drag ? and if i come too close does it spoil his rear down-force?(and of course my front down-force).anyway, the question actually is ' are full aerodynamics implemented ? ' (i said full because i've noticed that braking at full speed will lock my wheels when slowing down and loosing the 'extra weight', so this is already done). oh, and does bodywork damage affect aerdynamics? it doesn't seem like so...
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :
Ford Mondeo ST220, 0-60 7.6secs, 30-60 11.3 secs

okay maybe you'll think this is a stupid question but i'd rather be stupid for a moment and ask the question than not to ask it (and thus not to know the asnwer).SO:
how come the car goes 0-60 in x seconds but goes 30-60 in somewhat 2x seconds?
S3 licensed
driving on a mountain sounds great to me, especially if it would be a track (point a to point b race).
S3 licensed
Quote from Captain K. :Im using MS FF2 joystick. With digital gas and brake. It's not optimal, but i do pretty good with the GTI and the formula XR cars. And it's not like i just hold the buttons and hope all goes well. I really try to work and feel them.

i'm using a FFwheel with analog pedals and actually I DO hold the wheel tight and the pedals pressed and hope all goes well!
nah just kiddin`...i've bought a wheel because of this game, all i have to do now is buy a license
i really like the way cars handle in the game, it's realistic enough...the main difference is that if you have a RWD car and it starts to slide you feel it in your whole body, not only in the steering more thing, does anybody have force feedback pedals? you know that ABS systems push the pedal back a little, so you can actually feel when ABS does its job. that would be nice to feel
Last edited by apo3d, . Reason : gramatical errors
S3 licensed
if damage costs, then fuel and tires should also cost something...and if you really let your mind wander off, why not have an indicator for the current number of kilometers (miles) done with the current car ? it would be nice just to have one (at least I'd like to see one) even if overall car damage would not be available - i mean driving 1000 kilometers in a racing manner should theortically ruin at least the clutch, but even some ball bearings, exhaust pipes, suspension...anyway,i think having a credit or money or whatever system is a great idea.of course this would mean individual profiles on a game server (to keep the mileage, credits, car condition).
S3 licensed
well this is why i thought it should be optional (the rpm limiter). just because sometimes i just want to damage the car just to hear the engine s2 the only way i figured to damage it is to go 130km/h and shift into 1st's also fun trying to keep the car from spinning.
oh, and sometimes you might want to rev the engine a little bit more...consider going uphill. especially in your own car. during the time it takes you to shift (manual transmission of course) the car looses more speed than it normally would so you'd find yourself 500 or even 1000 rpm's lower than what you were supposed to be.
RPM limiter suggestion
S3 licensed
In my opinion there should be a single light that should be:
-green when out of the power curve and needing to shift-down
-yellow when the engine goes past the optimum shift point (i think this is the current function it has)
-red when a lot over the optimum shift point and (eventually) damaging the engine.
Also i'd like to be able to set the engine limiter at whatever rpm i want to.