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S2 licensed
That's some pretty road and grass! I quite like the national kerbs too now and the signs are simply amazing.
S2 licensed
Give the LX4 a spin, that's probably the most entertaining car to throttle-steer. It does take some practice and skill though. Here's a great bunch of LX4 setups I've made.
S2 licensed
Really? You can't do it in real life so why should you be able to in LFS? You can only keep tyres at a decent temp using those tyre blanket things, but in LFS tyres start at way above the ambient temp so I guess that's accounted for.
S2 licensed
*yawn* I was wondering when these would start poppoing up again, April approaches so it's been 3 months without a patch and people are due for their moaning cycle. There's much fewer threads like this compared to this time last year though.
S2 licensed
Very nice indeed! Can we please have an up-close view of the latest kerbs (assuming you've changed them in some way)?
EDIT: Perhaps a bit of an Aston update next? I think Aston's grass and kerb textures could be much better if they are more like your newer work. Plus I should think that Westhill will be receiving a bit of a make-over with the next incompatible patch which can't be too far away now... so perhaps it's best to leave that in case there are many changes.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
Press V while watching a replay - this will cycle through the views as it does while racing.

EDIT: By the way, you can also get some telemetry out of LFS - while watching a single player replay press escape and click on "Output lap data", then let the replay run until the end of the next lap (ie. the telemetry is for the lap after the lap you are watching when you select "output lap data"). Then you can analyse this data by opening the .raf file created in [LFSfolder]\data\raf\ using f1prefview. You can also do this with replays downloaded from LFSworld and compare your pace to the WR pace.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
You hit the nail on the head there, col.
S2 licensed
Love your work with the kerbs and road, very very nice! The car doesn't look quite right to me though... and it's a FOX which is inherently rubbish .
S2 licensed
Absolutely fantastic camera movement - normally in a slow-motion movie, it's good to focus on tyre and suspension movement, but this movie manages to be thrilling in slow motion without that.
S2 licensed
Tristan - that kills the point - the idea is to have the real name as the main thing in the list so people pick that up rather than your nickname (possibly from four years ago that you don't want to use anymore).
Blackwood cones are huge!
S2 licensed
I was looking at a screenshot yesterday and realised that blackwood cones are about 5/4 the size of a BF1 tyre! They're enormous, I think they should be about 2/3 of their current size.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Why not just use the "racer name" field? That's what most people seem to be doing.

Because for one thing they're different sometimes, for another it's too far down and most people don't notice that.
LFS Forum: Optional real names
S2 licensed
At the time of picking our license names, many of us didn't know that we would one day use this username for a forum. Many of us also change our minds about nicknames as we get older and I think it'd be nice if we had the option of using real names. I think an extra field should be added to the profile for real name and surname - if people chose to use it then this appears above their LFS License like so:

Anton Tcholakov
axus (S2 licensed)
Racername etc.

If they don't fill it out, then it appears as it does now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :youve admitted you dont have S2, so what are you doing on Westhill, a non-demo track?

Do you have to be a presumptuous (what do you know, it turned out that your accusation was uncalled for after all - look bellow) fart-knocker and police the forums? We have mods for that, I can recall more than one occasion when they have told you to report these posts, not take it into your own hands. I know it would mean one less post for your almighty post-count but there's a reason why they tell you to do this and it is because when you do, threads turn into retarded rants and go off topic like this one is going now. Also, you could do with looking like you have a bit more of a life than LFSforum. And if you're gonna continue this, please don't try to argue that every post of yours is useful. /rant.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
My first.
S2 licensed
What the hell is wrong with people?
S2 licensed
I've been around for a while but I live in an uncivilized part of the world where internet is utter rubbish so I'm pretty much stuck with the local server.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Chaz, I guess.

Who's Chaz?
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :Who, Vettel? He's an F1 driver

Quote :Less than two hours later, at 16.00 hrs, the young German tester will then be battling for supremacy in the Intel game “Live for Speed” against Australia’s computer game world champion on the simulator in Luna Park.

That one.
S2 licensed
Is this a general gaming champion or an LFS one?

If it's a general gaming champion, I'd like to hear live commentary from him about what he's doing.
"I'll just go into this corner at 300 and pop the handbrake like I do in NFS Unde... what the #$@^?"
S2 licensed
Not half bad.
Do some tweaking on the idle though. You might want to play with the waveform a bit as RPM vary too, because at the moment it's just volume and frequency changes.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
I dropped them an e-mail about it...
S2 licensed
I quite like it. I think it will become an icon over time - it may look futuristic now but don't all new cars do that when they come out (except Saabs and all the Korean stuff)? 20 years from now you'll probably look at it and think "wow, what a beauty".
S2 licensed
By the way, to make LFS look somewhat prettier you can try Electrik Kar's texture packs. They can be found here. They really are top notch stuff.
S2 licensed
Very cool setup. Glad you're enjoying it! See you on track sometime soon I hope.