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Quote from Tomhah :I said I quite liked it. the camerawork can be improved, and some I cant remember, as I dont really rememeber the video from yesterday, lol

lol, you could watch it again.
I know you said that you quite liked it. I was just asking it, because I want to know what I have to improve for my next vids.

Quote from Krya :Cool video, except of the music. Didn't like the taste your choice. Else, cool video.

As I said to one guy in Youtube: "But there will be always someone who dont' like rap, DnB, DuB etc. It's just hard to find the best music which would like to every viewer, sorry".

Quote from J03130 :I see you got the bigger rims mod i reinstalled and cant find the damn thing again lol
i actually like the music (name?) my kind of shit i aint no rock junkie like most of LFS community

at least one liked the music
Its just matter of taste

Thanks guys!
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :Pandaz!!!

I quite liked it, actually :P

what you didn't like in video?
LFS - Nismo Sys Speedin
S3 licensed
Hello everyone!

I had a little session with Reinis. After that he asked me: "Could you please make a vid from these replays". So here it is, short, but I hope you'll enjoy it. I uploaded it once as .avi, but Youtube couldnt convert it, now it's rendered as .wmv
Resolution - 1280x720 16:9 HD
Bit rate - 29,970
Format - .wmv

NSysReinis (blue S13, black)
NSysBADLVBOY (yellow S15)

S3 licensed
Thanks guys
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :You don't.

Go to and check "Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code)".

yes, it worked for me. Reinis please update 1st post.

And thanks Shadowww.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Nice pics as always, mate

thanks, I'm glad you like it
S3 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :That is awsomenes I love the music and the vid togetter it makes for a vid i actualy watched al the way.

Wich is rare

thanks, thanks, thanks. I really appreciate that.
S3 licensed
thanks for advices guys
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :

Now you do

I've seen it, but you shouldn't have to post it here.
It's good, but I think it's made in completely different style than mine.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :5 stars, favourited. One of best drifting video's made in Latvia.

Squid, keep your mouth closed

thanks, but I dont know about that best one.

Quote from PMD9409 :Video was good, just work on your camera smoothening (which you already know).

Quote from Mysho :I like it a lot. Maybe because I like drifting itself, this definitely wasn't a boring vid. But what I hate is your Fern Bay grass, it's SO green, not sure if it was done via editing, or it's proper dds, but it looks kind of legoish... Also good music - 5/5.

I have pretty much green grass dds file, but when I added effects and you see what happened, sorry, but at least you liked drifting and vid it self.

Quote from zeugnimod :Typical drifting movie.
It's not bad but I was bored after 1 minute.

I understand you, It's just matter of taste. I cant make vid which would like to every single viewer, there will always be someone who wont like it.
LFS - Live Forever (keep it sideways)
S3 licensed
Finally I made it. "huh" Making this video I had to go through 50 replays (since 27June) and every replay was about 1h-2h long. At the end of a day I had 30Gb of material (77files). Oh, and between I still have left 9Gb of material.

Please notice this: Video is not about editing (not much) or stuff like that, its about DRIFTING

Almost forgot to say sorry about poor camera work. I've been on LFS for 3 years, but I really have never knew / tried option - view smoothness. I used 0.10 all the time and I was wondering why my cam work is so shaky, but one guy at youtube said me to change smoothness for about 2.50 (max), I tried it and realized my issue. Sorry again, I promise it wont happen again (I know I'm an idiot). Hopefully you'll like.
enjoy it or hate it

You can visit my channel and check out my other vids. Rate. Comment. Subscribe.
S3 licensed
why my post is deleted?
S3 licensed
I better wont reply to these posts, because than we could start the world war III
And I can accept the critisicm, at least now I know that I have to choose something from Beethoven repertory, make shorter scenes (+camera work) and less editing (effects)
Thanks for advices MOSTORS.

I hope that this song scared the shi* out of you ()
S3 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :My eARS are bleed8ign that is some horrible ass music.

But i mean WTH just a 360 and a long drift= FAIL.
Im sorry to say this but that video is horrible and them music just gave me a headache.

Sorry today im tired and pissed at so many levels

omg dude, can you read "THIS IS JUST A TEST VIDEO", or you can talk only bull****. and where did I fail??

you wrote: "Sorry today im tired and pissed at so many levels"
so??, I dont care. you dont need to post here just because you're pissed. does in this forum everyone is like an old farts or what, because no one doesnt like this style of music. and next time read description before you post something. PEACE
S3 licensed
omg, what's wrong with you guys. There was just a few seconds with that stupid screaming, but ok, it's matter of taste.
S3 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :I like the video purely for the music, i pissed myself laughing when i heard it.
Re work a few of those effects to match the video and ur set, looks good mate

Sync is good to original file, effects match together with music, but as I said Youtube messed it up. This has happened to many guys, so sorry.

Quote from jrd.racer :An error occured please try again later

ok, than try later, because everything works fine to me
TEST | LFS - pow, pow (spectacular 360)
S3 licensed
dont be afraid from the beinning

THIS IS JUST A TEST VIDEO. tried out some new colour effects, tried to mix them bla bla. and tested a few things with Fraps/LFS, basiclly with FPS, I wanted to get smoother recording and I think I've found the right options to do it. Hope you guys like it. Youtube screwed up it a little bit, as always

Lethal Bizzle - Pow
TC - Where's My Money (Caspa Remix) , but this is the mix which I used - "Dubstep Twitter mix" Jaguar Skills.
S3 licensed
Quote from [SWE]RE :If everyone were to follow this, no one would learn how to do edits with rain. You got to do them to learn it, and by publishing the work you can get advice on do's and do not's. But according to you, people that doesn't know how to do something, should just back off from doing it therefore never learning.

There was a time when you didn't know that stuff either.. but you probably learned by doing it anyway.

I know, I know. But I have never seen good edits with rain, even from pro's. it's just almost impossible to do it.
And I dont know how to do edits with rain, I've seen some tutorials, but no thanks. OK, sorry, I take my words back. Than please tell me what kind of advices you can give to logitekg25 to make his edit better.
@ andRo, yea mate, I know I suck, but as I said that was just my 3rd edit and I dont make edits very often. I make them when I have inspiration.
anyways sorry for everything, post your edits guys, no matter how they are looking if something will be wrong you'll get advices. PEACE, IM OUT

btw this is for logitekg25
but, how to make rain on the ground??? idk
S3 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :Wish i'd used a differant skin

oh, my eyes
pic is so bright

Quote from logitekg25 :damn a double post
here is my latest
it was a quickie i guess you could call it

guys please dont make edits with rain if you dont/cant make them properly. I dont see rain on the car / ground. dont take it personal dude, but I've seen enough edits like this.
S3 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :Tazka@ has a nice cartoony look, not sure about the grass though
BADLVBOY@ looks so damn real, love the colours
OkaChan@ that smoke looks so real!
andRo.@ looks great! so clean

I think im gonna make a edit similar to them all

Quote from Vegas Las :@ Tazka & BADLVBOY = nice edits !

thanks guys, I'm glad that you like it.
btw that was my 3rd edit ever.
Nice edit guys, keep them coming.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from nova910 :Wicked cool man! My only suggestion is that there's a TRD logo on the top of the car. As you know TRD means Toyota Racing Development, and the Silvia is a Nissan.

Quote from Shadowww :Hey, you didn't credited me for request when you released red version

-yea, sorry about that TRD logo, like I said: "I made this skin long time ago," so I didnt really know that. But I'm glad that you like it.

-but you made it by yourself, when you asked me to post also the red version here. I accept it as request.
S3 licensed
Request by stickylfs. He added me in msn and asked for XRT_S15_Furious PINK version so here it is. Already uploaded in LFSW.