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Quote from dawesdust_12 :Why are my views inferior, just because you don't agree with them, doesn't mean they are inferior. Part of gaining maturity is realizing that people have different opinions and you should respect that their opinions may not agree with yours.

The problem is i can't agree with your opinions because they're wrong.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Its very odd how people in the 15-18 year old range people are just ignorant about older and younget people's views, whereas before 15 people have very open minds, and after that people start to get open minds too.

I'm not ignorant to your views, I just feel they're inferior.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :You're right. I'm an idiot. An idiot with a clear opinion. Now I ask you, what are you?

I'm also gonna stop this conversation, it's getting out of hand. I thought I could have a reasonable convo with this guy, but obviously not.

P.S. This thread wasn't a complete waste of time at the start, you just changed it. For somebody as new like you, you really have a big mouth and think you're THA man. You're 16 years old, I think it's time for you to grow up now, and think about something with a clear and more adult mind.

Congratulations, You can read a profile. As you've progressed to a higher level of forum expertise, lets take a look at yours. You're 17 - wow, that's just one year older than 16! And you're telling me to grow up? Amazing.

My mind is perfectly clear, that this forum is made up of idiots.

My post count, doesn't mean i'm new to these forums. I often read them, but only a thread as ridiculous as this has made me post.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I give up, this topic has completely deviated from the inital problem of people going all "ZOMG GIRLS" and is becoming a complete flame fest. If I wanted to argue about everything, I'd become a master debater, but I'd rather race, then debate.

Precisely my point. This thread is a complete waste of time. Thanks for backing me up.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :Now I'm starting to wonder why you say that people start throwing insults at you, I haven't insulted you, and now you call me an idiot. I think you're the one running out of arguments, cause you didn't even had arguments to begin with.

And I didn't mean people were exactly the same on the internet, I meant the people on the internet, are still people, and should still be respected and treated like people, just like in real life. If they're dickheads on the net, they should be treated that way, just like you would treat one in real life. And I don't think that in real life it's normal to treat girls/women this way.

If you had actually read my post, you would see I was talking to 'buttertyres'.

You sir, are an idiot on the internet. So i am treating you like one. Happy?
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :What if some guy was randomly spouting off your phone number, address, and threatened to hurt you? would you take it seriously? How would you feel? Would you feel all "ZOMG STALKER", or would you be all like "This guys a fool, this is only a game"? Chances if you thought it was the latter, you wouldn't call the cops or anything, and get totally owned, where as if you would take the first one, called the cops, possibly saved you, and other people from his wrath.

No, I wouldn't be stupid enough to give my personal details away to someone who i don't trust.

Yes someone is following me, ON A GAME. SHIT. I BETTER CALL THE COPS.
S2 licensed
Quote from ButterTyres :Im stepping out of this discussion. I'm not discussing something that certain people obviously have no clue about. Stalking/Cyberstalking is ILLEGAL in the UK end of story. Case closed, no discusion. Go and do your homework or something, isnt it getting late?

You're stepping out of this discussion because you're out of arguments. You can throw some more childish insults at me, if it makes you feel better. You'll still be an idiot in my eyes.

Quick someone, Call the police!
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :But would you come crying here if some idiot kid was wrecking? If you think about it, it's the same anti-social behaviour as wrecking.

No, because i don't take things which happen in games seriously. If some kid wrecks me, i vote kick/ban him. If i can't, I leave the server. Simple, isn't it?
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :Internet isn't the same as real life, but the people who are on it are the same. So I don't see why stalking someone on the internet is different from doing it in real life.

Yes, right. Because everyone on the internet is exactly the same as they are in real life. Again, you sir are an idiot.
S2 licensed
Quote from Marty502 :Change your nickname to a female's, play for a couple of days on different servers, and tell us about your experience.

The fact of the matter is, i wouldn't come here crying 'cos some idiot kid on the track followed me.
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :Perverts and retards exist in real life as well. Everytime you encounter something that effects you in a bad way in real life, do you just turn your head and stick your head in the sand? That way nothing will ever change.
The internet isn't any different, you make it sound like the internet is some alternate reality or something. Guess what, the retards on the internet are retards in real life. And I don't mean mentally disabled people, I just mean idiots which you refer to as retards.

And Becky has already mentioned numerous times that the chat remarks were not the main thing, it was the wrecking and following here to other servers. Why should anyone have to limit his or herself to a password protected server just because some ass doesn't know how to behave? Should someone who is being harassed in real life just stay in their house and not go out anymore?

Yes ok, the internet = Real Life. Thanks for clearing that up.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Oh yes it does! Linkage.


Quote from wikipedia :A cyberstalker does not present a direct physical threat to a victim, but follows the victim's online activity to gather information and make threats or other forms of verbal intimidation

This is a game, not a chatroom.
S2 licensed
Quote from ButterTyres :Thats a pretty closed mind you have there. What happened to common decency? If someone stops you in the street and says "damn you is ugly man, how the f*ck can you go out looking like that?" Do you just ignore them and keep walking? (ok maybe you do if you think they might have a knife or something, but get my point)

Ok so the internet can be a shitty place, however when someone agrees to be bound by conditions in a written contract, clicks the button, then they are bound by those words in most countries. If you see something that breaks those rules then its only fair to report it and have it dealt with in the correct mannor.

Saying the internet is a crappy place, ignore it is fine for completely rule-less areas. This is LFS dude.

Generally the people who walk around my streets can string a coherent sentence together.

Posting threads like this just draws attention to the fact you're infact a woman and you're easy to annoy.

I suggest you stop being so melodramatic, this is LFS, did he track you down and sit outside your house waiting for you to return? NO ITS ONLINE YOU ****ING MORON.
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :RAMM. Well name says it all really huh.

EDIT:I just saw your post bahrain. Do you want to STFU. If you were being stalked you wouldn't like it.

S2 licensed
Welcome to the internet, home of perverts and retards. If you don't like something IGNORE IT, there is a block message function. Find a server with people you like. Do what andre does and create a server and password it with ur friends and play.

Bitching And Moaning Here Will Not Solve Your Problem - It makes you look pretty pathetic if you let something like this defeat you.

Go Cry To Myspace.
S2 licensed
If i remember correctly, they're used by the search engine. I can't remember how, but yea, that's all you need to know .
S2 licensed
Quote from jamesrowe :Get better internet, and while your at it get a new team that you dont get kicked out of:ices_rofl

You really should learn to stfu, if you want to take this further and past the game, carry on, but i warn you, i know some nasty people online. I suggest you drop it...
S2 licensed
with .bmps exported you could have lossless quality ~_~
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Quote from Jakg :ever heard of a thing called jpeg compression?

Stop being a sarcastic, patronising cock.
S2 licensed
I'm not downloading this at 10kb/s. Upload to some decent hosting .
S2 licensed
It'd be nice if it were like halflife, /startmovie <moviename> <fps>, saved to .bmp's in the game directory. , fraps is fine tho
S2 licensed
I find it so annoying when i overtake people fairly then on the next corner they ram me off the road, cucking funts!
S2 licensed
new soundtrack featuring dr dre! *bops like a gangstah*

S2 licensed
I believe one of the mg guys ran LFS along side unbuntu
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i saw a racer called 'scott' who was doing easy 55-54sec laps with a mouse on bl1 in the bf1 :o