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LFS Dedicated server.
S2 licensed
I've been playing around with my Linux machine and LFS. I keep trying to run a dedicated server on the machine with wine but everytime I open up the server it tells me, "SetupServerSocket : bind failed." Anyone know where my problem is?
S2 licensed
Glad to see you're still playing LFS.
S2 licensed
WOW! The first time I read the first post I was actually confused with him. I thought that maybe he had a reason to be confused and after a few seconds I busted out laughing. I'm constantly amazed at the level of people that can be found on the internet. Seriously, how do you get on these forums? Maybe we should put some trick questions on the registration page to see how many people get stuck. GRADE A THREAD! WILL READ AGAIN!
S2 licensed
Anyone ever raced in tighty-whiteys and running shoes? My family won't let me live that one down. I've tried every combination I could think up and I always go back to boxers/barefeet. My if my seat angle were different(office chair) I would be fine with jeans and sneakers but for my setup my boxers and wife-beater are the best(it's very hot in my office when I close my doors to keep from bothering the household with my Z-5500s turned up as loud as I can stand.)
S2 licensed
Wow! I didn't even know SK had reached into LFS! I remember back in the early early Counter-Strike days seeing SK. The SK that was just a really good CS 5-man. I can't believe it has grown so much. I'd love to hear more about it if you've got any time for chatting.
S2 licensed
It's funny you mention not copying the WR guys. I recently watched Axabaxa's WR replay and had sort of a meltdown after a day of trying to spin my car around to heat up the tires like he does in the beginning of his hotlap. Then I tried to do that awesome drift around T1 for the rest of the day and decided to make this post. I'll no longer be watching his replay to learn from because I honestly believe he is a cyborg.
S2 licensed
Yeah I just tried it again and I'm back to normal. Could my speedo have been bugged? I have never seen anyone get over 143 on that straight in the FOX, including WR setters. I am back to 142 now but that really threw me for a loop. While i have your attention could you tell me what kind of different settings to try on this preload stuff? I can't seem to figure out where it should be. I've tried high and low and can't really tell a difference.
S2 licensed
I'm not sure if this is an intended change or not but while running single player on FOX/BL1 in W10 I was hitting 148 on the back stretch and still climbing fast when I started to brake. This is a big increase from my previous top speed of 142 or so. Was there a physics change that I missed?
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Sorry, I did not watch the videos because, well, although I could spot mistakes (LFS Racer for over a year), I do not have s2 and will then be ... well .. I don't know enough about s2 so my advice would be deemed pointless.

I did download the video anyways, I might watch it in a few minutes and post again.

Don't have to sound so humble. You seem to be wanting a bit of attention, as everyone is exclaiming how you did well, maybe you might just want to ask for some....wait a second! How come my topic did not recive this much good feedback!?

/frustrated ^_^

If I was looking for attention I'd be at your mother's house. In all seriousness, I am not looking for an ego boost in this thread, I really do need some help getting around that track. I ran a race in Redline1 where every lap but the first was a 1:08. I'm at a loss as to how I did it but I got within 0:00.03 of my hotlap PB and was running 23:30-40 1st splits. An hour after winning that race I couldn't get below 1:09 in hotlaps. Maybe I'm just not experienced enough? I feel like I know how to drive around the track but I can't do it consistently enough to get better lap times.
S2 licensed
One day I will understand the need for "drift" setups. When I drift I use my regular racing sets. If you need to make the rear end of your car crippled to drift it you need to learn how to actually drift rather than just power oversteer.
S2 licensed
Quote from FlintFredstone :
The only other advise i can give is that you need to learn how to take the last corner flat out.


I take this corner full throttle with no braking beforehand. I hit the 2nd curb at 107mph which is a bit slower than I should be going. Probably 2-3mph slower.
S2 licensed
Thanks for all the opinions, I realize I am not slow compared to the majority of players but when I run hotlaps so much I realize that I'm still +1.00 from WR times at my best. I just get discouraged when I watch the WR and hotlap replays and can't figure out where I'm losing so much time.

I can go through the chicane and hit 99mph as I touch the third curb. This seems to be 1mph slower than the top hotlappers. I'm somehow losing out on alot of time in the middle of T1 and can't seem to find out where. I've tried different lines and the fastest for me seems to be something like FlintFredstone talked about. If I try to follow the same line as someone like Maurizio would take I do it WAY too slow I guess. If I try to take all the track I can(touching the exit curb) I find myself having to make a sharp turn to get into the chicane and usually oversteering.
I want some input on my bad driving.
S2 licensed
I love racing on the Redline Racing servers as there are usually people there and the majority of them are nice. For a couple months I've been trying to compete on the FOX/BL1 server and have gotten my PB down to 1:08:24 today in hotlaps using Maurizio's WR set. I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong on this combo.

I seem to be missing something that is keeping me from dropping my times to 107. I'm not trying to set any WR's but I would like to be able to keep up in a full grid in the RR1 server. Right now I am middle pack running low 1:09 and can sometimes get a 1:08:80. I really struggle with T1 and rarely get a 1st split under 23:70. Today I got my lowest of 23:32 by sheer dumb luck and realized that I had to almost drift my car around that corner to get a decent split.

The only problem with that strategy is the fact that the FOX is amazing unforgiving in a slide and 1 out of 2 times I oversteer too much and loose exit speed trying to correct. My old PB of 1:08:34 was set with a 24 second 1st split so I think I have sector 2 down pat. Anyways, I was hoping someone could take a minute out of racing to watch my replay and tell me where I can improve my times.
S2 licensed
I'm not looking so much for replay streaming as I am data streaming. Lap times, splits, car info but thanks for the link.
Race data to another computer?
S2 licensed
First of all, I know I should search before I post a thread but I honestly don't know what I should be searching for. I'm just wondering if anyone has successfully outputted race data to another computer in live time. I want to find a way to do it but I'm lost as where to start. If there is a thread already made that would serve to answer my questions it would be great if someone could point me in that direction and I will kindly delete this thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabox :Then i'll buy a NOFFB wheel. Are there any good one?

This guy is a GENIUS!
S2 licensed
You probably have centering spring turned on. Is the resistance present while the wheel is power-less?
S2 licensed
It feels more realistic. I also like the feel of the brake pedal this way. I mostly did this to change the spacing of the pedals. If it were possible to change the spacing and keep them in the stock plastic case I would have. I didn't like the brake being so close to the clutch and far from the gas pedal. I like it much better this way.
Today's project!
S2 licensed
I inverted my pedals today! I need to move my gas pedal lower but other than that, I'm hella happy. Thanks to Turbo Dad for answering questions.

S2 licensed
AMD Athlon64 3000+ @ 1.9Ghz
MSI Neo2 FIR 2.0
2GB OCZ DDR400 @ 211MHz
2x Western Digital Raptor 74gb in RAID0 :static:
nVidia Geforce6600 clocked 50+/100+
SAMSUNG SyncMaster 204B
Logitech Z-5500
Logitech G5
Logitech G15
Logitech G25 w/ pedals inverted
Madcatz MC2 with a bolt on MDF handbrake
Antec Nine-Hundred Case w/380w PSU

Don't mind the dishes, I've been playing too much LFS to leave my desk for eating.

For the 'Nix geeks out there, the other monitor is connected to my FC6 box which is a samba fileserver for my house. I wouldn't mind somehow including that machine into my LFS rig if there is such a way to send race data over to that computer. Let me know if you figure something out, hughesie89.
S2 licensed
I have had my G25 since Christmas day and can honestly say I have had NO problems with it thus far. This thing is a real dream as long as you don't get one of the defective ones. I imagine it really sucks to get a bad one but with so many moving parts something is bound to happen. If you can get a good wheel and shifter, try! My shifter has given me no problems whatsoever and I am so glad for it. The only complaint I have with it is the mushy FF in the center 10 degrees or so in LFS(only in LFS it seems.) Hopefully someone will find a fix for it someday but until then I will stick with the G25 as that one little problem doesn't really bother me. It's a well built wheel with the only weak point being the shifter construction(not so weak.) I abuse this thing daily and it feels the same as it did when I pulled it out of the box and went through the gears on my sofa.
S2 licensed
Supras are I-6 afaik. I would love to see a big cammed V8 and a hot V12. I think that if the FZR had a deep sounding V8 I would drive it daily as I hate the sound it makes now. The XRR is kind of cool I guess but the FXR sounds stupid. I think most of the cars could do with some better sounds.
S2 licensed
While I accept your advice I disagree on some points. Some racers(like me) don't know all the variables when diagnosing understeer, oversteer and how to adjust accordingly. I am slowly teaching myself what I like in my setups and how to achieve the feel that lets me acheive good(good for me) times reliably. I find that I have made some great improvements on my PB using some of the faster hotlap sets but I don't drive the way the maker of the setup does and thus I can't reproduce those lap times consistently and set out modifying the setup to hopefully make it more compatible with my driving style(crappy.) When I talked about Killboy's WR setup I am not saying that his setup makes me run good times but that I would like to reproduce the way his setup drives because I think it is greatly balanced and stable. Problem is, I don't have the knowledge yet to create a setup without input from the people around me. I'm not the type to ask for setups ingame just because one person is running low lap times. The times I ask for them I really need an idea of what settings influence the attributes that are desirable on that course in that car. I've recently been racing AS Club on Redline 3 and have learned alot about how to setup the FOX and how to determine what I don't like about my car's setup. But the fact is I am still pretty lost when I look at the setup menu in the garage and I see things like Toe IN and OUT and can't really tell what they affect when I drive the car.
S2 licensed
I've found that I can easily match my PB with Killboy's setup on Test Drive. That setup is absolutely perfect as far as I'm concerned. It's like driving Barlin's setup but dropping 1s on my lap times. diK has a different way of taking T1 that seems to be a little more reliant on finesse but I have been trying to get it down. I think he just has way more driving skill than I can muster. I've been trying to learn about making my own setups so that I can recreate the type of setup Killboy used for his WR run because it seems to be my favorite.
S2 licensed
Well I ran hotlaps all day yesterday and after watching diK's hotlap replay on T1 several times(I have his setup so I figured if I could follow his lines I'd be on the right track) it totally clicked. Whatever I had been missing before appeared and I got myself a 23:4x 1st split and finished it with 1:08:72 new PB. Now I just need to learn the last turn!