Yes , i have to say it's better than thise what you have made bee 4 . You got a good beginning , try doing a video like it , more camera angles , it will be good ...erm ...what else ...quality has improved , it's good , soooo .... you did well , but keep trying man
Well excuse mua ! You realy can get a heartattack from those kind of videos , and if a person don't understand a simple thing of using SHIFT+U and SHIFT+F with normal FOV , and after every idiot says OU YEAH ! GREAT MOVIE ! KEEP'EM COMING ! Than a person will think OU YEAH ! I DID A GREAT MOVIE ! after those comments a man might think ...hmmm ...maybe i did smth ......i don't know ...WRONG!?
And just to show you what is a slowmotion movie plz watch SAIKO D
It's not 2 bad ... but yes , I have to agree with Mr.A**hole Critic over here , 2 much FOV and the music .... well it's not bad , but I think everyone got kinda tired of AE86 intro ... Use smth like never been used bee 4 , like ..erm ..The Montana Chiken - Paradise of Eggs
The thing is Squid was right , he's not a racer or a drifter , he's a movie maker , and if you ever see him drifting in the game it doesn't mean he's a drifter, the man just want to have fun with the game , is that a crime !?
I don't know why , but I kinda enjoyed watching this ! I beliave I can fly part -> LOL BUT! Stealing movies is against the law ! ..... 6 years in the box !
I'm quite happy with my 9800GT 1280x1024 , anti aliasing at full , all filters at full , shaders at full , about 60 fps ..... I WANT MORE !!! but to cool it i had to take of the front panel of the PC and stick a cooler in there ...
ok ok damn it ! i'm sorry ! It was a great video , I will improve my skills so that my next video would look ike that one ! Great camera angles and music ! If I post comments like that on every video , than we all will have 20 more vids like this one , coz the ppls will think "oh my someone actualy likes what i did!"
Don't realy see your vid here tho ... My video , yes it's the first one , I knew it was gonna be crap ... And if you can't cover your words with your video to compare it , than SHUT YOUR MOUTH ! ...sorry for offtop
And why don't I see such comments on Squids videos ? ...or FOX's ....or BigTime's ....or Unokeva's ...or MP3 Astra's ...or anyone else who makes good videos !?Coz ! Those guys know what videos they are posting , the quality and the camera work ! What I see here is 40 minutes of work(if you can cal it like that) ....
After watching this video I thought that my 1995 Merc E-Class 2,5 Diesel actualy sounds better ! ......+ it's got a roof !
P.S. Squid is in Nirvana right now , he'll have to call you back!