I'm normally OK but since a few days ago, my normal server's ping has increased twentyfold. If I get a list of servers, I get 390 responses, ranging from 30 to 3000 or so. I've 112 hosts under a 100, geographically spread and 159 under 450.
There then is a vast jump to the 160th server on a ping of 1800. My normal web traffic isn't affected, tracerts to servers return in quick times and name resolution is normal. LSF traffic is crippled on my regular server, others can join without suffering the lag I get. My ISP shows zero dropped gaming packets, I've nothing untoward running and I've tried a fresh reinstall of LFS. Steam apps and other games are fine to the same hosts that my usual LFS server runs on. I've rebooted my router and it always syncs where I'd expect it to.
Is anyone else getting the same trouble? My ISP (plus) shows no problems so I'm kind of stuffed for an answer. I'd like to carry on racing on the usual Deadmen server, but I might have to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world if this carries on.