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S2 licensed
I'd prefer to use the Trueno, much more fun and if you get pissed off hotlapping, there is always dorifto...
S2 licensed
GT = Blaeza1

Any gifted cars are welcome...
S2 licensed
Anyone tried the Golf GTi mk 2? Mine is fully upgraded with the R32 drivetrain and 630 bhp + 950kg overall weight = FAST!
S2 licensed
I LURRRRVE these, which may explain why I'm 120kg's at the mo' ... -cups-kingsize-1658-p.asp
S2 licensed
Put it out of it's misery with a Bruce Lee style jumping-double-foot-stomp and go buy a DFP or G25.
S2 licensed
Well. HOPEFULLY, my Xbox 360 Elite should be here tomorrow with Forza 2 and I'm really looking forward to playing it now! GT4 was once my favourite game and I used to defend it saying 'It's the best simulator there is' and other misguided nonsense!
S2 licensed
I'm too fat too sk8, but I still enjoy smashing into lamposts on BMX's from time to time.
S2 licensed
I'd get a ultra-powered pc, my own home, a small bmx park and take my family to barbados to witness my much-delayed marriage.
S2 licensed
Find your relatives who have access to your compy and threaten them with anal baseball-bat surgery until they own up! Then do it anyway...
S2 licensed
Me want's to see if it could move my 19st arse round a track
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :omg....:jawdrop:

Would be great to see what damage that does to a car!

Or lfsn00b's head...:ices_rofl:ices_rofl
Amazing serve!
S2 licensed
I'd rather dodge bullets than this thing...
S2 licensed
Great vid and some rude-bwoy riddims! 9.5/10
S2 licensed

How is the vid going?
S2 licensed
waiting for my elite, forza 2 and virtua fighter 5 to arrive.

I shall be named Blaeza and will be shit and very n00bish indeed.

See you all on the 'ring soon...
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Actually, it doesn't, the convert command from the CMD box leaves the data intact.

It worked well for me, after using chkdsk because windows was moaning the USB drive was "dirty", hmmm.....must have noticed all the "specialist" movies on there...........

Not more of your beastiality fetish?
S2 licensed
Why is he banned now? I don't see anything wrong/illegal in that pic.
S2 licensed
Vorsprung durch technik, as they say when you don't really know german!

Back on topic, I'm quite sure they modelled the whole scene on a certain laptop destroyer's lengthy chats to a certain computer 1337 moped crasher...
S2 licensed
* Name : Jonathan Robertson
* Age : 26
* Where I live : Thamesmead, London
* Education : Ermmm... BTEC national diploma in computing
* Favourite subject from school : Kicking english teachers head in
* Occupation : Working for moolah
* Marital status : Co-habiting
* Favourite music genre : Drum and Bass
* My favorite bands/music artists : Skibadee, Det, Fearless and Shabba (Drum and Bass MC's)
* My favorite movies : Street Fighter (Manga), BTTF 1, 2 and 3 and Terminator trilogy
* Favorite Authors : J K Rowling, Terry Pratchett
* Favorite pastimes : LFS, Street Fighter 3, BMXing, teaching my daughter to read and IQ tests.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :You must love the MSX station in GTA Liberty City! I like that kind of british hardcore. Gunshot ftw!

It's called Drum and Bass and yup, I love it, mainly because I used to be an MC myself until I lost my touch and can no longer write my own lyrics.

You wouldn't believe how fast I could drop a lyric about 6 years ago...
Last edited by Blaeza, .
S2 licensed
My kind of ting...

Obviously not to everyone's taste, but please don't slag it off.

S2 licensed
Always use powersellers if possible. My 2p's worth.
S2 licensed
The physics of M3 challenge are quite a bit off. I can drift a XRR with next to no lock for quite some time, but M3 seems to be unpredictable at best. Still fun as a freebie is about as much as I can say on the matter.
S2 licensed
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, how cute is that little guy? 9/10 for cuteness, 10/10 for projectile vomiting/shitting/pissing.

Hmmm, maybe we should start a post our children thread?
S2 licensed
Quote from BuddhaBing :If any of you want to try out the M3 in GTR2, download the port here: ... allenge_for_GTR2.rar.html

The M3 Challenge Nurburgring tracks have also been ported to GTR2 and can be found here:

Also, out of curiousity I wanted to see how an LFS like car would handle in an ISI game so I modified the M3 physics in GTR2 to use some settings taken from the FXO Turbo. I know, I know, they're two totally different kind of cars but this was just an experiment. Surprisingly, the changes made the car handle less like a pregnant hippo and more like a sporty coupe. The modified spring rates, ARB settings, ride heights, differential settings, tyre pressures etc are not at all realistic for an M3 but the car's a lot more fun to throw around the track now. For those interested in trying it out, the modified HDC file is attached. It only works with GTR2; modifying the HDC file in M3 Challenge causes the game to stop working.

To install the modified HDC into GTR2, first install the M3 mod given in the first link above and then copy the attached HDC file into the GTR2\GameData\Teams\BMW M3 Challenge\BMW M3 folder. Make a backup of the original HDC first so that you can revert back to it. In-game, use the default setup.

You CAN modify the files, BUT ONLY when the game is running. I had a nice 1400 nm of torque through the whole of the powerband yesterday, but 4th,5th and 6th would not wheelspin. All I got was massive clutch slip!