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S3 licensed
What would the advantage of taking away S1 be exactly? I fail to see any. The content is still there for S2 users, or is taking away all S1 content being suggested? Anyway too late need some sleep. Night
S3 licensed
I found that this little program ClrCalib.exe sorted out my problems with MOMO and Vista.
S3 licensed
All I know is that it works like a dream, no more cutting
S3 licensed
I'd say that one of the strongest points of LFS is that it simulates physics very well, a few things need tweaking and I'm sure they will be.

As for the cars not being replicas of a real model, I see this more of an advantage than a dissadvantage.

What people do with their LFS, in my opinion is realy up to themselves. I fail too see how this can affect me. If I don't like or enjoy what people do in one server, I can always join another or even create my own server. That people have freedom to do most stuff you can do with a real car is a strong point and just shows how good the software realy is. Drifting, cruising, racing, demolition derbies, driving with all your family in the car and stopping on a green bit to have a picnic.

Thanks a lot to all the devs and great comunity here for such a great simulator.

PS: Haven't got S2 yet, as there was some kind of transaction problem, hope to solve this soon.
S3 licensed
very good advice!

Trouble is that there are many "bad drivers" out there, maybe an excesive emphasis on "fast laps" and winning at all cost. Of course I race on DEMO servers (let's hope I can get S2 soon).

Where I usualy race it depends a bit on who is in the race, "good drivers" and there is no problem. "Bad drivers" and crashes begin even before T1. When in doubt I find that the best way is to stay at the back of the pack.

Somehow I find that the current stadistics system (LFS WORLD), who by the way do a great job, encourages accidents (not on purpose, I'm sure). I'll try to explain myself:

I've noticed that if you retire before the race ends it's actualy as if you hadn't been in that race at all. also if you "wisely" go taking out slower drivers in front, instead of cleanly overtaking them there is no record.

Not sure what can be done about "taking out" instead of overtaking. As it would need someone to supervise.

But it may help if all participants in the race figured in the stadistics, because many times there is a full grid at the start, you finish 4th and you end up being "4th out of 4". DNF should be listed in LFS World. And if a race restarts those that pressed restart should get a DNF too. The same as those that "shift+P" or "shift+S" before the race ends.

Then we could have a "nice" list of those with a higher DNF percentage. Just an idea, but you can bet that a fast PB with a high DNF percentage won't look that good anymore.

By the way, yesterday We had some very nice races where no one crashed at T1, or later on. Maybe sometimes you got stuck behind a good but slower driver/car and it was difficult or imposible to overtake, but it was a very nice series of races.
S3 licensed
My personal opinion is that being able to do many laps without crashing or loosing control is far more important than being able to do the occasional very fast lap.

I just try to be consistent, after all the only person one can race is oneself. I'm new as well and not very fast 1.36.69 with the XFG. A couple of weeks ago when I started 1.45 was a good time for me. So I'm happy.

I prefer to use my own setup, this way I learn more and get a driveable car. Also I try to finish every race I start, if I'm behind because everyone is faster so be it, as long as I'm driving well I'm having fun.

If I meet someone in the race that is more or less my level and a good driver, I know it will be a fun race. If he is slower I'll study him a bit, see what kind of driver he is. If he is good I'll go behind him and look for an oportunity to overtake. If he is bad, I'll make sure that he won't ram into me the next turn (some when overtaken will floor down the accelerator), so you have to make sure you can put enough distance to take the next turn safely; don't forget to look in the mirror to see him bite the dust.

Faster cars, by definition anyone that gets close behind you is faster than you, if you get a blue flag, well just let him pass as soon as posible. If not well no reason why you shouldn't try and hold your position, this is a race after all. Of course some are so hot headed that they will be mad if you don't immediately dissapear, so instead of trying to overtake you they will try to push you off the road, these are usualy the kind that retire if they can't be withing the first 3.

Then are the good fast drivers, these will cleanly overtake you, if they aren't so fast as to dissapear quickly, follow them and you'll get an invaluable free lesson in driving well and fast.

As for hotheads, crashers, rookies, bad drivers, people that "once overtaken pit and wait somewhere on the track to crash into you", and other fauna of the sort; detect and avoid. In any case don't get into useless fights with them. And don't "press 1" happily, make sure you know the guy is a cheat, it's a well known trick "crashers" use to get rid of legit drivers, if not you run the risk of ending up in a "demolition derby".

Anyway this is the way I see it, drive well, be consistent, learn to make your own setups, finish every race you can, practice, and fast laps will come on their own. At least this is what I hope.

PS Sorry for the long post, I got carried away.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the generous offer, but I'm not fast enough (yet?). Anyway I'm not that far away, as I promised myself S2 once I get a PB on the XFG of 1.36.something and today I got 1.37.03 (with my own setup)

I'm slow, but the turtle got there before the hare did.
S3 licensed
Put on a green latex suit, a satellite dish on your head; boot up LFS and there you are. You may not be fast, but you will certainly be alien.
S3 licensed

Still a Demo user, hope to upgrade to S2 for my birthday in November, Can't wait! Still, what a marvellous game, and what a generous demo . At last I've found good use for my MOMO wheel. Great comunity too, have had very good racing moments, and is great fun when you meet someone on track that's up for a good race, by this I mean trying to outdrive each other whithout crashing .

Not a very fast driver 1.37 is my fastest, but I'm consistent and don't tend to crash. I hate crashing. ZOOOM T1 CRASH! ZOOOM T2 CRASH! ZOOOM T3 CRASH! etcetera etcetera is not my style

Hmmm waiting for November to get S2, this is going to be hard!