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S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :And look how the UK and Germany are doing (did)?

Your trolling is honestly unacceptable. The roles of society have been defined for hundreds of years, and you come in here and try to say that society has been wrong? I think you are just here to spur a debate which does not need to be had. This isn't the place for it! Go join a feminist rally if that's what you believe.

However feminists are a joke. They want equality, but then you punch a feminist.. and now you've magically hit a woman. They want their cake and to eat it too. It needs to be one way or the other. They either stay in the kitchen and cook for me... or they can be treated as an equal and compete in physical and mental competitions with men (as humans). However they try to be on both sides. If they think they'll lose, then they want to be seperated.

Also: I choose to race under a different account, one that isn't connected to my forum account. I'd rather not disclose it, as you'll just ban me from your shitty servers and I'll haffto go buy another S2 account.

Your opinion is to pathetic. The masterkey for a good relationship is respect. It seems to be you got none of that. Work on your attitude, makes life so much easier
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I resent that I'm a tool. I'm quite perfect unfortunately.

Inouva: Kitchen is over there -->

She might walk to the kitchen and get back with heavy kitchenequipment to smack you
S3 licensed
I have taking the FXO and XRT skin. Very nice job guys!!!!
S3 licensed
Would be awesome, only I think I'm not able to race anymore.
S3 licensed
Quote from CHR20000 develops...not as clean as wished, but on a good way..good admin work

Thanks, we trying to do our best for every racer on the server.