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S3 licensed
Inouva, the FPS loss for you system will be around the same.
S3 licensed
E.Reiljans, the 180 dollar 2500k looks kinda weird, you can't even get it in that money if it was in euros, in Estonia it's 191€, now put that in dollars, FX-6200 is 147€.
2500k In the same page as FX-6200 you gave, is $235.66.

Not that big difference, but if you are doing a budget build, that's a huge difference.

Here's a 190$ AMD cpu from a more reliable page. ... aspx?Item=N82E16819103961
and the 2500k ... 16819115072&Tpk=2500k
Last edited by bmwe30m3, .
S3 licensed
Well, this still is a budget build, so put together a intel-based system with around the same or greater performance, and tell me the price.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :No. Just no.

Care to explain, or just blindfolded intel fanboy?

The difference with i3 is +- few fps, no big difference, plus FX-4100 is really easy to OC, you can probably get +1 GHz with only changing the multiplier, no need to even add volt.
S3 licensed
Kev, I wouldn't give on on AMD CPU's so fast, they are pretty good for their price.
Here's something I put together quickly.

CPU: AMD Bulldozer FX-4100 - £84.95
Mobo: GIGABYTE GA-970A-DS3 - £53.99
GFX: VTX3D Radeon HD 7850 - £176.87
Memory: 8GB Exceleram Value Series LP E30113A (2x4GB) - £32.99
SSD: Intel 520 Series 60GB - £88.94
HDD: 2TB Seagate ST2000DM001 Barracuda - £83.99

Together: £521,83
A bit over the budget, but that's with SSD, if you don't want a SSD, you could probably squeeze a FX-8120 in the budget, but do you need 8 cores, most games don't actually take advantage of the 8 cores.

Not sure about the PSU u got tho, what model?
Last edited by bmwe30m3, .
S3 licensed
Wow $0 donated, I will double that.
S3 licensed
-NightFly-'s avatar dog
S3 licensed
logitekg25, you look like the twat here.
S3 licensed
I too love how it looks.
Nice one you got there Ronal.
S3 licensed
That's the reason why you get Android or Windows phone, not Symbian, symbian in my eyes is pretty much dead.
A lot of apps for android are free.

I guess you have this:
Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5
You can check this out: ... player-download-7235.html
Last edited by bmwe30m3, .
S3 licensed
I don't see a problem when someone calls a black person "Niger/******", to me it's as offensive as calling a "yellow" person "asian".
Because they are from "Niger" race, so not a offensive word at all.
S3 licensed
Töki, Y U NO ON MSN!!
Here, your bimmer, a bit of modding, just to look hip and cool.
S3 licensed

Last edited by bmwe30m3, .
S3 licensed
Because LFS demo doesen't have XRT?
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Just to annoy people like you.

You must feel like a winner, you will go through all the pain of looking like a idiot, just to annoy some random person on internet that you don't even know.

But might be that's not the only thing you do to "annoy people".
S3 licensed
G!NhO, I wanted to put together a compilation of facepalms to show what I feel about what you did to the rims, but I didn't find enough pictures of facepalm.

BMW Badges on rims that are under VW, is like buying a Apple phone, and putting a android sticker on it...

I hope the kid on the bike hit the Jetta, and the car blew up like in a american movie.
S3 licensed
Some cars that I like:

Last edited by bmwe30m3, .
S3 licensed
G!NhO, First ones aren't BBS RS.

Tomson(FIN), I could get bigger images, but what would possibly be the point of doing that.
S3 licensed
Turning "Post your car" thread into "post your favorite rim" thread ftw
And G!NhO, is posting images that don't screw up forum layout too mainstream?

But just to join the bandwagon, here you go:

[ EDIT by Scawen : you know better, so I'll give you an infraction point ]
Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : removed IMG tags - images too big
S3 licensed
I recommended it some pages ago.

But I think the mod is calipers.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
[Audi TT], new rims on some cars, updated interiors etc.
S3 licensed
Custom ROM's....
Check XDA-Developers.
S3 licensed
Looks nice.
M3 rims you had yourself or were them under it already?
My sister also has a e36 320, 1995 tho.
What's with the M stripes everywhere?
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Haha so funny. lol

Jelly cause you can't get girlfriend?

@scrabby, not loud enough

Yes, so funny, I was talking about bitches, you are talking about girlfriends.
Or do you have a bitch as a girlfriend, or the other way around?