I did watched the whole video. Well maybe not for the last 2-3 seconds, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. Can't really remember. I was sleepy. Anyway, thanks!
This is clearly the best video I ever seen around here. I am sleepy so kinda lazy to point out in detail everything I loved in it. Just keep doing whatever sorcery it is that you're doing to get this result next time too.
Who do I have to speak with to get this guy banned off AMG server? That wasn't the first time he did it on purpose out of a 40-50 minutes session. Haven't got Genc68's username too because he disconnected and I didn't payed attention to that, but I think its easy to find out watching the logs.
Thing is I've got an Atom DualCore 1.85GHz with HT aswell (4 threads) but its kind of useless. I get a pretty low FPS on a grid with over 25 racers and I know it could be improved just by adding multi-core support. That's why I asked in the first place.
Anyway.. if there might be a change, then FUC*IN YEY!
Ok this may be a little bit offtopic, but multi-core support is going to become available with S3? Considering the fact that physics will be improved, it will need more power to process.. everything. So this is something I'm looking forward to.