Hey guys,
I've got a weird problem. When I'm racing (either single player or multiplayer) and everything is good, my fps is over 100. Randomly, though, the game will hiccup and then my fps will drop to around 30-40. It feels like there is some limit being put on my fps, because it will just sit on a certain fps and not fluctuate much. It randomly hiccups again and fixes itself. I'm running no v-sync and no fps limiter.
System specs:
3.6ghz P4
plenty of hard drive space
GeForce GO 5800 gfx card
1 gig of ram
Sometimes if I alt-tab out and close an aplication, when I get back to the game I'm at 100+fps again. I don't know if this is from closing something or from alt-tabbing. It's not cause of running out of ram though, because I'll still have >500 megs free when I do this. Any input would be great. The game isn't really playable at 30fps.