while playing online, I hit a wrong key combination and I have no more sound in my game. Tried everything classic - shift + N, shift +W, reboot - nothing seems top help. Any idea someone? Without sound, the game is almost unplayable :-/
For information, I use a nforce 2 sound chipset (embedded on my Asus A7N8X-deluxe mainboard), I have sound in all of my other application (if I quit lfs, I can use winamp without pb)
please help as I feel so sad not being able to play (for 1 time I had free friday...)
Another solution would be to put this in a local database : geting data can be automatised (say twice a day for example) and you local users connect to the database.
As open source fan, mySQL for db, and perl to fetch data could match perfectly together, even for a someone not expert in computers. Documentation is really very clear...
After a quick look to inSim protocol, it doesn't seem very hard to automate this ban/penalise task. I'm playing around with this protocol, I may think to add this somewhere... (guess I'll do it in less than 10 lines of perl ;-) )
Mines are available on my blog : http://florent.revelut.free.fr ... 25-lfs-gestion-des-gommes
Sorry, all written in French - it's too boring to blog in a foreign language ;-)
These are my first-time skins :
* first is inspired by my country (guess which ), over the roof is the flag of geneva and on the side the flag of my own village... That was just a first try
* second is the one I actually use (I have some variants for other cars on LFS Desktop), it's mixed from the logo of my ingineer school ( http://www.supelec.fr )(although I'm out for more than 2 years, I keep strong link with it) and our national flag.
I intend to make something nicer (but for a first time, it's enough, I need to improve my driving skills instead of my skinning skills...) Another project is to write a skin/setup manager for share on my web site (data models is already done...)
As your licensed, others skins are automatically downloaded to your skins_x subfolder in <lfs>/data/
You might want to use these ones : just move them to your skin folder and they are ready for your one use, assuming the author has nothing against some one else using his skin... If in doubt, ask him as the skin may contain restricted use symbols (CRC logo for example, which you are not allowed to use unless you are member)
By the way, look around from lfs links and you may find some useful tutorial on how to paint your car (see old forum on RSC too). I know there is one on www.lfsfrance.com ,but as you may imagine, everything is written in French over there.
I'm caught : looking from documentation from work, I had no lfs install on my local drive (just try to find why :-p )
In fact, I could download the self-working server on a third party server (thx google) and found the file bundled inside. I've had a quick look, it seems quite easy to use... I'll make some test and let you know of my ideas later. I wish I could set a useless server on my local computer at work, but I'm not sure everyone will be pleased with that...
By the way, I think about writing an interface in java, to be able to use it on every environment and take benefit of this wonderful language... Time to go back to my IRL work...
Thx a lot to all and excuse my stupid question...
The most important word is accordingly... In case of wings, a damaged wing may be may be nore disturbing that no wing at all... Moreover, the new force might be not symetric any more. Instead of thinking in 2D, you could have more downforce on the left than on the right, creating a bias and altering stability.
Another example : damage the bottom of your car and you'll have no more drag but a much lower downforce (due to flat bottom destruction)
I hope I was clear, I'm not such a good english speaker and these technical explanations are far beyond my usual skills...
Can someone tell me where I could find the protocol specification? As Linux user, a .net library doesn't please me too much, I was thinking of java or perl but I'd like to have a look to the protocol before speaking of my ideas ;-)
First, when someone send you a setup, you must explicitely receive it (use N to show connexion and accept the setup). Setup filenames begin with the name of the car and finish with ".set"
They place in one of the subfolders of your lfs installation (setup or something like that I suppose - can't check from work )
If the file is rightly named, it will appear in your list of settings when you are ready for tuning in your stands.
Have fun with racing and don't forget to share your own set when you'll become an ace (from the 'connection windows, use SS on a racer's name to send him your setup)