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S2 licensed
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I feel I need to express my love for this layout!

I've been driving it for months, trying to keep the corners linked and the apexes tight - a great course. I've modified a couple of parts and will post it with screenshots if I get around to it.

It's been the source of many an hour of procrastination and is much appreciated - cheers pdanev!
S2 licensed
My DFP is set at 15% force feedback (which I increase to 20 or 25% on some cars like the LXs), and from memory 900 degrees - I'll have to change that though, after reading the previous posts.

Get yourself a good autocross drift park layout from the layouts subforum and practice, practice, practice. I use a great drift park by pdanev.

A drift setup never hurts, either - try Team Inferno.

It's great fun and very addictive, just keep a sense of humour about it, and remember never to call racing 'grip driving' illepall.
Last edited by cdub, .
S2 licensed
Great video of Alonso, makes LFS seem slow!

You can change the head tilt under the View section of Settings, something I did a while ago.

At the bottom of the Aston dipper, all I can see is my dashboard
S2 licensed
My DFP used to go cock-eyed, too - only I'd have to turn it a little to the right, not left.

I didn't really do any rigorous testing, but discovered that going into Wingman's 'Device Setup' (where you can press the buttons of the wheel and it'll make sounds and vibrate), pressing the left/right arrows on the dir-pad made the wheel turn and allowed me to re-enter LFS with a straight-gazed wheel.

I also played with the 'Lock Calibration' button in LFS.
S2 licensed
FZR for the win, though this will all be moot soon enough. Hopefully
S2 licensed

I spent a whole lot of time making The World's Best Autocross Layout (TM) and lost it all. It could have been the size of the thing, though I did trim it down to less than 500 objects.

What needs to be done with Extract to dir, or just leave it?

I haven't tried it again yet, though I hope to - it's a great little app, very easy to use once you get your head around beziers! Well done.
S2 licensed
I want those Hot Chilli rear lights! Very cool.

Here's something I originally wanted to do for the FOX, but gave up on after losing my mind trying to line up the overlaps.

Vegemite, for XFR.

The preview attached shows a version with my name on it, but the skin file itself is ready for your personalisation.
Last edited by cdub, .
S2 licensed
What a nicely shaped car. If only I could drive it properly

Here's my skin, clean and simple.
S2 licensed
Another good driving guide is the user manual for Gran Turismo 1 (remember the original Playstation?).

It's a fun read, obviously overkill for the original game, and details weight transfer and the grip circle.
S2 licensed
I have my hazards mapped to a button on my Logitech DFP (for no particular reason), but being able to use them [and my other custom buttons] depends on a particular sequence of starting LFS.

Even if I launch the game from Profiler (after adding the link to lfs.exe), the custom buttons won't work. BUT: If I exit LFS after starting it that first time, then start it again, my custom buttons function properly.

It's easy for me to quickly test this when LFS starts as I have the 'Start' button mapped to kb 'Esc', so when I hit it in the main menu it will ask to exit if all is well.

Sounds like S14's problem has been solved already, so call this an answer for a future searcher

OK, seems to be that as long as Logitech Profiler is open and maximised before starting LFS, custom buttons will work fine.
Last edited by cdub, .
S2 licensed
Big ups for a great and handy app

Best feature is being able to deselect the 'BF1' checkbox in searching for servers
S2 licensed
(Sorry to dig up an old thread, but better than creating a new one)

Is there a way to set the gauges in the middle of the screen, a la Gran Turismo?

I drive with the custom view with only wheels drawn, so I've got this huge blank space in the middle which would be better if filled with dials .