Okay so i have a problem. I had to delete my old LFS and install a new one, so when i want to find servers, i don't find the servers, that i've been in before. There ain't even 10 servers, and they are some stupid playing servers.
So, how can i find more servers? Oh, and i have to choose, what LFS community is closest to me, but i don't search the servers that way; i choose BACK from the left.
What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other) Drift or racing
Age: Enough
Country: Finland
Preferred Car/Track: Blackwood GP / FXO, XRG, XFG, FBM
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: FBM 1:24:00
How Active Are You? Very active
What Kind of Control do you use? A driving wheel
Time Zone: GMT+2
So; im making a Karting server. To make sure, that people know the idea of the server, rules, etc., how can i write messages to the starting up of the server?
I mean, when ppl enter the server
Cheers, hope you know what i'm talking about and thanks