Hello folks.
The trailer is about my future video or movie about our club. In trailer you can see all our members and how do they drift.(like dummies DD)In next FULL movie going to be all our cool stuff with talking part and raining and many many other snacks. DD
--- THIS IS NAXO DD One taken shot from the trailer.(Joke)
--- YOUTUBE STREAMING: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktED2W0OT-Y
Thank you mate.
Yeah in some moments it has low fps, so i didn't do nothing with that, because i want to show the rain.
Well that was my 1st try with rain effect, i'm going to make another movie with good rain and no fps drops.
Hello everybody.
This is my 1st try to create a RAIN effect in the movie. Every user of that game dreams about the rain and the rain physics, so i decided to create some short movie about the rain in the game.
--- YOUTUBE STREAMING: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1bKdE2Lm4g&fmt=22 WATCH IN HD !!!
--- MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=89PQI5VQ
The resolution of the video 1280x720 the HD. ---> i recommend you to download my uploaded video.
Yes, i saw that movie a long time ago, but i even couldn't imagine that you talking about that video, only you see the idea in movie is not the same what i did. And everybody can make movie with some chasing part.. so you can't say that i steal the idea or smth like that.
So relax i don't judge you or smth. You or me, everybody do mistakes. =DDD
LOL, many times. DDDDDD i don't know about what you talking about.
Oh, and you know what? DDD
The idea with chasing part have been proposed by my club member - Naxo. DD
But i am really glad to hear your opinion about the movie. So tnx.
- Yes, this is promo movie of the club, and sorry guys for the threads title.
- Video have been made for 2 FULL DAYS with the edition part and rendering part.
- Video has 5 minutes of length.
- Video has some our voices, so don't say bad about our eng talking. We are not english boys.
- Enjoy.
Ho Ho Ho. i am SANTA DDDD
The is very short, it has some near 2 minutes of video edition. Uhuuu. DDDD
The video creation and edition was like some part of my learning skills, so don't judge hardly.
Oh and i am not ENGLISH BOY that knows eng very well, so do not judge hardly about what did i said there wrong too. ^^
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/watch?v=kCtz2S5p8s8 <--- link address
VIMEO: vimeo.com/8215348 <--- link address
Video resolution(original in file): 1280x720 px
Video sound: ~44.144 ...
Video creation time: ~9-10 hours.
HI-RES:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=498CB7I2 ( i recommend to dw it, because of the best quality)
--- The original resolution of movie: 1280x800 32bit Audio: 44000 tralala
In the video you'll see smooth drifting on LX6&RAC and smooth simple driving.
I tried to delete as maximum i could the LAGS/ping.