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S3 licensed
Narrow car
S3 licensed
I'm only a demo racer but hear me out please. There's no need for any aftermarket (excuse me) cr*p to penetrate the domain of the hardcore sim but there are a couple of things that would be helpful. Some of the things i like to discuss are:
-The possibility for the player tu customize the ECU mapping (not NFSU like but a more technical view), including ignition points, amount of fuel, boost pressure, adjust wastegate values and Blow-off points..etc
-Engine wear and tear, the need to rebuild engines after a certain time , different motor oils ( for example, oil 1 makes the engine rev higher, operate easily producing more HP BUT makes a significant increase in engine wear, whereas oil 2 is more durable, adheres to engine components, does not rev the engine as high as oil 1 but wear is less than oil 1 and this system works for other fluids, for example gasoline ( one type produces more HP but wears the engine out...and vice versa for the other types) and these don't have to be dual( oil 1 vs. 2 . .etc) but a couple of brands(5-6( that each have the balance tipped in either way

These change will not be seen so much in single races(maybe in really long ones:tilt but in tournaments(aka leagues, multiple events..whatever), where people have to decide:" will i go for power or endurance?"
S3 licensed
I've played many times on demo multiplayer but never found a server that is 100% clean racing . I play with mouse and keyboard so it's still hard for me to do some fast times but i did 1:38:39 with the XFG on an empty server .I always play online no matter what even if there are no players, playing in single makes me feel..dunno .. alone illepall . The german bremskiller server is by far the best i've encountered, mostly clean racing there. Hope to get the 40 bucks for unlocking...i really feel i'm missing on some great racing
S3 licensed
omfg illepallillepallillepall .. since this is my first post here i would like to say that
i laughed my ASS off :sppalpati