We'll price based on their usage, about 5/month roughly.
There'll be a 25% off at first even probably.
I'd say 5/month for 20 or so slot full bandwidth 6pps smoothness
Same price for USA
You can get both for lesser cost in the future to provide both services for insim's, etc. Each location has a 100MS ping, this is low enough to host a database on another system :-)
Let me know interest, there's already lots but we're getting a unmetered connection so I want to order the 1st system properly. Windows 03/08 enterprise for max performance & TCAdmin. TS3 optional
Help us help you, we've been working quite awhile to blow the other LFS hosts out the water, with non-oversold systems and unmetered connections we plan to provide fair hosting for your LFS dedi, we already provide the most top notch dynamic PHP/Static hosting in USA/Offshore.
I think I'm alright at LFS, I can do better and better PB. Been playing 3+ Years, mostly did crusing/loved distruction derby (Later on) When I got S2, prior I'd play Demo and race around
I can use a trackpad, mouse, gamepad. I prefer mouse, pretty precise besides can't control clutch/brake/throttle force, still can produce good times
Started liking CTRA, not the non turbo I suck at XFG and it dominates XRG on the track often atleast I have alil trouble with it, and I i dislike FWD at most costs, atleast XRG... got banned from a friend using my account on my desktop while I used one of my 2ndary accounts, he logged on CTRA and crashed ever since I never bothered really with racing on LFS besides a few laps time to time on a good host/
Any good race servers (Prefer USA) that are invite only (pass) that I should know about and try to sign up for? Theres rarely any decent servers these days and I'm on 2pm my time, 4am my time, all different times during the week I randomly pop in....
I love LFS but I'd like alil more action besides CarPark and idiots crashing.
thanks anyone who has suggestion , time to open LFS
It's not hard to code valid and properly, so far I'd say the design it's self is "OK" doesn't flow quite well though, if you understand what I mean with the colors.
Also why do you need your own server? You're on a free host lmao, that site can't possibly need a dedi server. Also 500server sucks I hate how every god d*** LFS server is HOSTED BY 500 SERVERS, thanks for the 200ms ping ****s. Theres less than 10 servers with under 180MS ping for years
Anyways is this hi-res pack worth it? I got 1080p monitor...
I voted Development is slow and needs to speed up.
Why? Because I atleast hoped for VWS before nearly a year later, here we are a year later, a beautiful 2010 and nothing.
I've been with LFS since like 5-6 years ago, bought s2 after got tired of same demo cars, now it's just boring to open.... it's like playing half life 2 over and over.
On the street 1st goes about 30-40 and you'd wanna shift roughly, 2nd goes... you get the point.
Thats why YOU change the gear ratios and final drive, it's your toy. My 744ti volvo will light them up in 1st and 2nd, sometimes 3rd. If I'm in 1st I shift before 4-5k, otherwise it hits the rev limiter even with half throttle (darn turbo engines ) when I throw a LSD in I want a lower final drive ratio, not sure if 5th is working yet (overdrive/manual tranny, weird one) seems to not be as when I push the button in 4th like i used to do it dont shift....
anyways 5th wasnt much lower as I remembered, 4th i guess i have is 3 or 3.5k rpm at around 80 or so, which always leaves me boosting too much
I've hosted major forums and other large services over the years, I'm well established.
Sorry for the lag, we have finally migrated to a new location with over 10 providers multi-homed bandwidth, were migrating over our servers but Iv'e setup a LFS dedi vps w/a dedicated ip which should solve vmwares lag issue.
I used to host LiveToCruise (two servers maxed) on a low ram vps, worked great until after a few days vmwarenatd would eat all cpus and drop packets. If vmware doesn't work I'll be figuring out a working solution.
Does anybody want to gime some pre-configured lfs servers to launch up ?
XenServ will host 5 MAX free public servers, I don't have time atm, I need to get vmware fusion + LFS to run better, or install windows xp and dual boot OSX/XP then maybe I'll beable to figure out LFS dedi's.
However if you've done lfs dedis and would like to setup one for drift, race, etc I'll host it they will be online 24/7 and open to all people.
[email protected] is my msn, c`mon folks lets get some USA servers online
Also I'd like to see how they run for european people, I'll post when I get a basic server up
Put up a test demo server, XS Public - Demo
I'd like to run S2 servers however, I'll keep this demo one for testing
Theres no X11 package for Snow Leopard yet it appears, 2.4.1 will be for SL.
uhm I'm trying that wine, one thing I noticed after updating to Z20 from Z18 is tons of artifacting (Whole desktop artifacts violently) so it might be my gfx card is overheating.
I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.1, hackint0sh. It's performance is great, I had win xp tested right before pop'ing a new drive, 93FPS no matter how much AA/AF, etc.
9600GT 1024MB GDDR3 card :-)
I had a 8500GT 512MB, super slow card that was broken (overheated), I used windows 7 and FreeBSD 7.2 (WhciH I could run at 1440x900 and some AA and decent FPS)
Now I'm using 1660x1050, I get like 23FPS, quality is shittier on crossover, not sure which wine ver exactly ( I think 1.19?/1.1.19?) of wine it's based on, anyone else?
AF doesn't really change FPS, esp when theres people online it slows more it's like wtf, this systems a core 2 quad... last was a X2 4800 AMD.
Oh and other 3D video games arnt slow thanks for any help, I want to have this fixed so I can enjoy the new stuff soon without dual booting