The music is off. But I haven't tried turning off any other sounds. It has done it since I downloaded the game.
This is probably a newb question, but if i was to re-download it, I'll still have my S2 license right? Sorry, I'm still somewhat new to PC games. I usually play on PS3.
I'll just try a fresh download. And yes, i did learn the pattern better as time went by, sorry for the confusion. I appreciate all the attempts to help.
I tried searching the forums because I was sure this problem has been reported before, but I can't find anything about it. I have downloaded LFS before and not had this problem before. Its just a "timer" or "clock" kind of noise that goes off during a race or hot lapping. It also goes off in the menus. Any help is appreciated.
I'm having a problem similar to this. The game recognizes that i have a G25, and but my clutch and H-pattern don't work, even though if i set my shifter to the sequential setting, it works. Please help, imma big newb lol.