take a pic of your start menu, or even the vista experience page... but you wont be able to do that.. cause it's not actually vista.. I had that vista transformation pack on my XP side before I installed vista ultimate. It's amazing how different actual vista is from that 'mod'
Hmm I looked through the forum this morning (not search just skimmed through pages) and thats the first time I've seen that thread, I wouldnt have made my own had I saw that one.
the point is simply LFS is a simulation, automatic exist in real life.. Isn't a simulation suppose to mimick real life as close as possible?
Basically what I'm saying is I beleive automatics should function like autos in LFS, granite people don't use them but why can't they atleast function like they should? it wouldn't be hurting anybody.
Point taken.. But I do have to say that not every car that races is always a manual.. I have seen lots of cars on tracks that are equipped with automatics.
Since the XF/XRG/XRT/RB4/FXO are technically road cars, I think it would be more realistic should I say to have both transmission options available. And both sound/operate realistically.
First off I know what everyone is going to say! "Manuals are made for racing, autos suck!".. Well, I'll agree with you 100% there but..hear me out.
I think it would be a pretty neat 'add-on' to have a realistic sounding/shifting automatic transmission in the game, sometimes I like the ease of just pressing the gas and the brake. The current auto doesn't do a very good job. It rarley downshifts when you NEED the power and doesn't particularly sounds like one either. If you guys do implement this in I'm quite certain it will be the second game ever to have it, Enthusia has done this and they did a GREAT job with them. If i could get that kind of experience in LFS it would be awesome.
Just something I wanted to add, not sure if anyone will agree with me but I figured I'd give it a go.
Never had any problems with newegg and I've made around 25 orders from there..
wheel4hummer is right though, tigerdirect is rediculous.. I bought my motherboard from there (newegg didn't have any boards i wanted) and they charged me 16 dollars to ship a freakin motherboard!!
LFS IS pretty CPU intensive.. I for one was running under 100fps (sometimes 110fps) with my old setup in outside veiw (60-80FPS in dash) with my AMD Athlon XP 2200+ 1.8ghz. I moved up to a A64 3200+ Venice (2.2ghz) and now I run 100-140fps in dash veiw and 130-200 fps in outside veiw.. That's a huge increase IMO. For just moving up a little.
40c is only 104f, the temps are well within range.
Sometimes PC's randomly restart.. My athlon XP 2200+ always ran at 93f but sometimes would randomly restart. A defrag once a week fixed that problem though, I would give it a try.
I'm not trying to put you down, skittles are quick little cars no doubt. But it comes to a point where srt-4 owners think they have the fastest car on the road. You will only beat 05 vettes when theres a BAD driver, you find a decent driver and you will see tail lights. actually.. you will have to squint to see them.
And I find it extremely funny that you say your srt-4 handles like a miata.. Have you ever driven a miata? I've driven SRT-4s alot and they handle very sloppy, the rear end is WAY too light, it swings out whenever you try to take a corner hard, and the car has more understeer then ANY FWD I've ever driven. Upgraded suspension or not, SRT-4s cannot handle.