The router is a Netgear DG834G and my wireless adapter is a Belkin G USB.
Maybe somebody near me has their wireless setup on the same channel, would that cause interference?
Its just abit crap because i cant have a good race on LFS now, in the owrl i started 3rd on grid, by the second corner i was last cause i got sent flying by the stupid lag
Right i tried that but it seems it is already disabled. That description 'lag spikes' is very fitting. Its ok for abit then every so often the cars disappear and reappear.
Ive bought some new house phones, could that be anything to do with it?
Is it OK to use wireless? - ive read that post and it didnt really help me out , ive had a look using the search and couldnt find an answer so...
Im on wireless cause i cant run a wire. Thing is, during game im suffering from a high ping but on the wireless thing in the task bar it says ive got an excellent signal strength. If it said slow id come to the conclusion that it was that, but it isn't so what else could it be and what could i do to make it better?
I was thinking more like 1.10s at best. I took a look at the MoE Blackwood race from last season, they were posting 1.10 times but that was not the reversed configuration.
Lets remember that it takes more than one guy to fly a plane though, the co-pilot and the cabin crew should get an award too. Lady luck was deffinatley on their side today.
Im really surprised that we didn't see no fatalities, the thing about modern aircraft is that, the engines are on the wings, so as you come to land the angle has to be near perfect as not to cause the engines to scoop the water and flip the plane.
How far away is the hudson river from the airport?
At 3500ft a plane of that size can glide for about 6miles, you loose around 1000ft every 2miles.
Looks like he made a very wise decision to not risk it and ditch it into the water.
That's pretty disgusting. But please guys, lets keep this thread clean. Any evidence such as, should be posted to Joe_Keaveney (Admin) in a Private Message.