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S2 licensed
just to hop in with similar question (more or less).

i have APelectric potentiometer brake and cannot manage to reduce force for braking.
if i brake full force, my rig flexes too much. in other sims there is way to modify brake pedal travel and full pressure is not needed.

in g25 profiler changes of brake range and sensitivity does not the trick cause brake is not stock, so only adjustments ingame work.

has anyone same problem?
S2 licensed
i have g25 almost since its out and its great. (i just had to replace shifter cos it didnt have reverse. now new shifter sometimes drops a gear. older was better, though).

no sequential on g27 stick shift is massive loss. for me at last, and that puts me off from buying g27.

one question- does shifter from g27 also clicks loud?
S2 licensed
ferrari virtual academy
S2 licensed
it was in my junk mail...
S2 licensed
i bought the game on paypal and downloaded 145MB setup (but i will install it this evening on my pc), where is licence code? is it in that setup file or...? cos i didnt receive anything like it on email.
this is my first purchase on paypal, btw....
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :Nah, just popular

no. awesome!

i downloaded setup right now, so it works....
and there are times already postend on site!
i just have to wait till tomorrow to get pack on my pc,argh!
S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Released but servers are down.

Update: The demand has taken down the official website almost instantly. Seems like a little more patience is required..

so....this sim will be awesome,then
me just know
S2 licensed
Quote from michele0676 :Ehehe
We think it will be downloadble after the press conference (12.00 o'clock GTM+2).

silly me, at firs i thought it will be available at 00:00 on 9.9,
S2 licensed
ah, not yet, huh....

counting seconds until download here.... it wont be on steam, won't it?

not that i have nothing better to do, im at work till tomorrow actually, but neverteless damn thing cant go out of my head
S2 licensed
Quote from Whitmore :All laser scanning is not the same. iRacing have shot themselves in the foot a bit - they've "sold" laser scanning to sim racers and now others using low density cloud point scanning can also sell their tracks as "laser scanned". There was a recent article about F1 team simulators which said they used laser scanned tracks but telemetry for track surface detail.

The other issue is whether you actually drive on the track polygons or whether the track surface used by the physics is stored in another format.

so actually, if understood correctly, track can be displayed ingame modelled by low density cloud point (or like triangle polygons in trailer), but physics that you feel in car is actually milimeter precise that is stored in another format?
if thats the case, then thats it, you wont be able to see difrence from cockpit, for sure
S2 licensed
just curious, how accurately tracks are laser scanned? iracing are in milimetre region, but in video here framework of the track are triangles about half metre large. Or that was just simplification for video?

but generally- CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

and, yes, voice on intro is like from some blockbuster action crap. that's the only thing i found bad about the whole game)))
S2 licensed
go webber!
S2 licensed
LX racing, yesss!!!!
g25 problem on windows7
S2 licensed
when i installed the software i cant get it to remember settings when i adjust them (900deg, not combined, 102% ff strength,etc), apply button is greyed out.
and strange thing is everytime when i enter advanced options settings are 200for lock, and all other values 0! then i adjust them, and cant apply them.
pedals and everything works, just i have 200 lock and i cant change settings.

anyone with same problem?
S2 licensed
didnt you hear it is coming?
LFS has great future
S2 licensed
i think that f1 2010 proved the point. in the beginning, no one knew for sure how physics will fare and there was info abut laser scanned tracks. now we know laser is ditched, ofcourse cos thats unnecesary with arcade physics.
graphics and effects are outstanding, but if you want realism under your wheel then.....well there still no one comes close to lfs netkar and iracing (maybe rfactor2,we'll have to wait and see).
iracing is insanely expensive, netkar has great physics IMO but has mini micro community, and rfactor has few great mods, but too many combos to have something like foxjunkies or ironhorseracing whwere you can easily race with 20-30 relatively polite racers anytime....
for all you whiners (you know who you are) no matter how slow is development.....

LFS has future
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
in light of all this arcady physics, laser scanned tracks are in fact useless
codemasters f1 2010
S2 licensed
so, first videos and pic are out, and it looks quite convincing. to me at least.
laser scanned tracks are out, and handling is like forza or gran turismo said journalist who tried it.

mystery is revealed - physics is arcade, officialy.
S2 licensed
is there explanation what exactly makes sr go up or down?
im no pro, but nor beginner either
and, yes, when driving in south city if someone has gtr then as soon as i see blue flag i can't even leave corner properly, let alone move aside and that gtr is already in my ass, hitting me more often than not. i believe safety rating drops then....
Last edited by Dalibor79, .
S2 licensed
tnx void, didnt find something exactly on that forum, but i can pick xfg(just found out now). bwah, fwd is boring
what when safety rating goes below? [ironhorse servers]
S2 licensed
at ironhorse server my rating went below 80. not that im crasher ofcourse, but anything happens at starts, tight chicanes, lag issues, or just spinning out of track blah blah....
so, what now?
cos this is only server which is full and interesting to drive?
i was at cargame, but was only one with xrg too many times
S2 licensed
just get it
S2 licensed
try netkar pro.
quite good physics (me thinks slightly better than lfs, but shhhhhh), good graphics, quite tricky to handle, but when you get a grip it is very rewarding.
lfs definitely has better handling than rfactor, but rf has countles mods, tracks.....
iracing is killed by price in this comparison
S2 licensed
nice. so iracing is then still an option.
im still in opinion that is too damn expensive, but....there is still that fricking but....
those few new tasty tracks (oran park, zandvoort, and if there was suzuka bathurst or of course the ring - buying would be dangerously close) and lotus and uplcoming f1.....make this game increasingly interesting

did i say it is awfuly expensive....