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S2 licensed
Have you tried to pay with paypal? For me it was the only way to buy a license. First i tried to pay with credit card, but all i got was "The bank didn't authorized transaction blah blah". When i payed with paypal, it was ok, as you can see.
S2 licensed
Looks interesting.
I'll try it tomorrow.
S2 licensed
Quote from Timdpr :I'll trade someone a Demonoid code for a Racing Underground invitation code.

I have an invitation code for RU, PM me if you want it
S2 licensed
Why do you want 5.1 sound system? It sucks if it costs less than 400 euro.
Stereo speakers are the best to buy with limited amount of money.
I'd recomend you to buy Microlab Solo 6 or Solo 7 instead of g51. I have Solo 6 - and it blows my ears and Solo 7 should blow all your home :headbang:
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :I'm afraid you have to have S2 for it to work, correct me if I am wrong?

Even with S2 it doesn't works for some people.(For me )
S2 licensed
When i bought S1, it was XFG on CTRA server.
In S2 - almost sure that server was CTRA, but don't remember the car. I think that was one of TBO on CTRA Bump & Jump.
S2 licensed
Quote from samyip :Press F3 a couple time in replay....they move like rockets


And it works!
S2 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I think not, cuz the viewer is called 6A which means 0.6A = beta. And :

nope, i think there will be another 28 patches before beta
S2 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I got this error, maybe it is for my graphics card...(nV FX5700LE )

It works ok(but slow) for my nvidia mx440 , so it isn't your card problem.
S2 licensed
There are program called Jmouse.
btw, if you understand russian, this link can help.
S2 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :Hey i'm having a little problem, I want some games like LFS that Supports Mouse Steering. Do you have any sudgestions? I Can't run GTR, or GTR 2 I have ran the GT Legends Demo but i don't know if it supports mouse steering and i'd prefer modern cars, not old cars. I tried RFactor but it doesn't so i tried editing the game to alow mouse support since its possible and i couldn't get it working. And i don't want iRacing becuase its to expensive and from the cars on there website they don't have many. It would be good if the game had mulitplayer and was still popular.

GT legends doesn't support mouse steering.
But you can use programs like "mouse joystick" or something like that. With those programs you can play even iracing.
S2 licensed
Quote from dennisw :hey chill out, i don't want to get banned

You can send pics to PM.
btw, send me it please.
S2 licensed
Older tweak version had cartype "bike", but new version don't have it. So, no.
S2 licensed
Quote from troy :so tell me why it does work now for me and before it didn't

It also works for me, i had same situation, checked everything, and tweak works only after copying these lines in cfg.txt
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Click on the British flag.

But if that´s too difficult then try here...

I didn't saw the british flag
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Well wonder no longer. I´ve found this handy tutorial to help you.

It's in estonian language, so i can't read it
S2 licensed
Latest tweak CAN add turbo for xfg and xrg. And for FBM too, i just checked it.
Last edited by ddd9022, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :No chance, I bet they are Minesweeper addicts.

no, they are playing LFS with scirocco!!!!!!11
S2 licensed
I had this problem with DFP pedals. Just open pedals, and clean pots. Also you can read this, maybe there is something useful.
S2 licensed
I like the price reduction!
I think i'll buy a t-shirt
S2 licensed
There is Russian Demo championship buut i think it's useless if you can't speak russian :P
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Try to reinstall profiler...
S2 licensed
Quote from scoobyrbac :When is the convention over?

I think tomorrow.