That was THE BEST LFS movie ive ever seen!!.. 11/10 man!! anyone who would watch this vid will instantly buy LFS.. very nice intro and a commercial for LFS.. shows the beuty of the game keep up the great movies.. youve got huge talent.
i use Macromedia Flash .. its easy 2 use .. layers, vctors very easy gradients , alphas , and with the new Flash 8 theres lots of great default effects that you can make of a press of a button... i'll post some pix of my skins later if i have any time
tell me what you think of my edit .. im new at this photoshop thing.. and i do most of my design's of skins and photo's in Macromedia Flash anyway is it ok ?
PS. my ingame nickname is DONi so don't think that this isn't mine or anything..
well i guess i would like to join the team... i was away for a while.. its me DDM.. but my ingame name is "DONi" .. anyway i want in.. i posted in teh frm and u wrote me an e-mail.. i dont know if you had teh team match but i want to join.. my number would be 22