So, good morning everyone!
After 32 hours without any sleep, sleeping starts to feel like a nice hobby.
I'll start right away looking at results and start to do some calculating. I'll try to get provisoional results posted here today.
I will process more the "Hour 8's nightmare" here in forum later. Now I just thank everyone who have helped us with this event.
Thanks for NDR guys, for giving advice before the race,
my own team; you're awesome,
people commentating with me, Rui, Sean, Miro, Niko, Laury etc. ;can't remember everyone,
Revolutionary Racing for providing us their server in the darkest moment; I really appreciate that and I cannot thank you enough,
our viewers; I hope our broadcast was entertaining enough, I saw the biggest number at the start when there were 129 viewers,
drivers and teams, we did this for you, and you made this Saturday-Sunday driving, a race.
Klaus for providing the tracker
this list could continue forever, I hope I didn't forget anyone, thanks to all